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Everything posted by sol740

  1. It's a good idea to carry a device to record interactions with LEOs or whomever, because of the many misunderstandings that occur. Most of the Open-Carry forums I've been on recommended it.
  2. I don't think anyone is arguing that the person who called the cops is or is not out of line, that doesn't matter.The argument is whether this persons rights were violated by the police, and as far as I can tell, they absolutely were. The amount of his lawsuit is patently absurd, but it's getting attention.
  3. You don't have to have a CHL/CCW to open carry. You do have to be under suspicion of having committed a crime to be detained. In order to be detained for suspicion of Disorderly Conduct you'd have to meet the requirements of having committed an act of Disorderly Conduct, which he never did.
  4. The crime in your example is assault, or suspicion of. What is the crime here?
  5. What crime did he commit to warrant reasonable suspicion?
  6. This is still basically new, bought it in February, and have less than 100 rounds through it. This has been a great carry revolver, I just want a full-size revolver for the collection now. I've been carrying my FN almost exclusively. Will come with a couple speedstrips and 20 hollow points. This is the 357/38. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/e80c88fe-7151-46fe-a1ff-fec5320219a7_zps5982c840.jpg $600 OBO, must be an Ohio CHL holder, and I will ask to see it.
  7. He was charged with obstruction, and it was dropped, likely because they realized it would probably be tossed. The "problem" is the police cannot detain you without suspicion of a crime. You are under no legal obligation to identify yourself without that suspicion. Open-carry of a firearm is not a crime in Ohio if you obey the federal limitations, and private property laws. You cannot be charged with "Disorderly Conduct" without committing some kind of crime. Since carrying a firearm on your person in the open is generally not a crime, the officers citing of the ORC is incorrect. As such the officer has no authority to detain Mr. Call against his will, and proceeds to do just that. I can only speculate, but if they had been posted, than he could have been, and given the situation, would have been charged. Same applies if he is asked to leave the property and he refuses. Since he was not charged for either, we can only assume that the scenarios would not apply.
  8. How dare we expect the police to understand the laws they're paid tax dollars to enforce, that's just ludicrous. As far as the ridiculous amount of money he is suing for, mock it if you will, but the police have demonstrated, in this and many similar videos, a complete and total lack of understanding when it comes to open-carry, and even concealed-carry laws, or basic identification laws. Even beyond that, just how you get to treat a citizen who has committed no fucking crime. Only through this type of action will they re-learn the things they're already suppose to know.
  9. So everybody else paused it on yellow-shirt right?
  10. Jokes on you fools. God is on her fucking side, and he is taking the names of everyone on Reddits and is going to fuck their shit up. He used those words exactly.
  11. sol740

    Gun Crime Stats

    No no no, we live in a world where you are constantly in danger because of crazy firearms enthusiasts that attend gun shows to sell illegal cop-killer assault weapons back and forth to each other, chock to the brim with high capacity magazines and Teflon coated bullets.
  12. I love my TRS-1, it's on my 700 .308.
  13. You could say ... he really got chopped up by the giant blender today, LOLPUN, AMIRITE?
  14. I'm going to fuck the fear-turkey!
  15. I totally didn't watch that and laugh the whole time ... :whistle:
  16. Where can I sign up for even more federal government all up in my business? It's the compromise I've always wanted.
  17. Stupid internet and its lack of inflection
  18. So a seller having a price you can choose to accept or not, is analogous to having apples and tiny explosives tossed at you?
  19. Just slow down and let that psychopath move along.
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