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Everything posted by sol740

  1. We were chatting the other day and he specified an 8 or a 9 ... if a 5 shows up I will shit bricks.
  2. sol740

    Turning 21

    happy bday ... I don't remember turning 21, one day I woke up and I was.
  3. Sam Adams or nothing. Well, except Stella, Fat Tyre, Deadguy, and various others. Oh and fuck gas prices too.
  4. The older I get the more I realize how much of an ass I was. Appreciation for good parents going up and up. As far as the relationship we had, I had some real issues as a teen w/ the law, and authority in general. So it was rocky at its best. They were always there for me though, and never let me fuck up too bad. After I hit my 20's we got super close again, because I grew up. Now I'm a parent ... god help me ...
  5. Negative rep for thanking us for negative rep !
  6. sol740

    Cat sh!t

    This just in ... poop smells ... Though seriously my cat has the same problem, but it gets worse, sometimes it just decides to use the carpet as a litter box. Grrrrreeeeeaaaat ... may be a trip to the no-kill cat santuary in my future, and by no-kill cat santuary I mean some random outdoor location, just outside of my car door.
  7. I was "happy" that the sunoco down the street was still selling the 94 for 3.99. Thats sad.
  8. sol740

    insults for chicks

    Nooooo, IM THE PRETTIEST !
  9. Love the red, good luck !!!
  10. Welcome. Any particular truck in mind ?
  11. sol740

    If your...

    ^ that's why god created counterfeit money.
  12. ^ welcome, clean car.
  13. ^ good #s keep us updated.
  14. Its so hard to stay out of boost, but the oil cartels keep giving me reasons.
  15. sol740

    If your...

    ^ I pay with my dignity ... *sobbs*
  16. "How gay is this thread ? " said the Jewish Piano Salemans to the Overweight Database Admin. "Pretty Gay."
  17. I retract my previous statement. +1. Nice time.
  18. sol740

    insults for chicks

    Say you're a doodie head and you're not nice ... than punch her in the face.
  19. Well your intro sucks ... but I really want to see the ride.
  20. sol740

    Scion TC

    I've driven one, I liked it, would be a good daily.
  21. sol740

    If your...

    Hit and quit bro. Dating strippers is a slippery slope.
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