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Everything posted by sol740

  1. ^ yup ... read the whole thing ... and now Im gayer for it. Thanks jerk.
  2. Cute truck. ... srsly though, welcome ... errr ... again.
  3. sol740

    CR stock

    hands up ... backs away slowly ...
  4. http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2008/fortune/0804/gallery.most_profitable.fortune/ Remove "industry" insert "company".
  5. sol740

    Roll'n Threw CR

    I'm chinese ... that shit looks just like me.
  6. Nice G's. When you drive a car you really like (most of us here) you tend to be more defensive of it as a being (extension of self) and not just an object. Hence more road rage. That and were a bunch of fucking assholes.
  7. Theres a Procterville Ohio ? That place sounds like it sucks. Pics of the 11 sec bird ? ... ... Oh, and welcome.
  8. The lack of pics makes the godz very angry.
  9. I shot a couple cowboys once, trying to break into my house, then I found out they were just Jehovahs Witnesses wearing hats... the cops didnt even take a report.
  10. sol740

    In Florida.....

    Let me put down this groundhog and research this at once !
  11. I thought the same exact thing !
  12. Whats the most profitable industry right now again ? While some bigwig asshole counts his billions we get hit in the mouth for every cent they can pound. As much as I love petrol vehicles for performance purposes, hopefully some other means of propulsion can takeover our daily driving needs. Long way off ... but cutting the middle east off of as many US dollars as possible is the best thing we could ever do.
  13. Not a chevy guy myself, but I would rock that ...
  14. Im a mastiff fan, that or husky/malamutes. Though my favorite dog was my black lab, loyal as could be, r.i.p.
  15. So in short ... dogs = good.
  16. mmmmmmm ... brains ... food.
  17. LOL, or you could take my investment approach. Keep your eggs in multiple baskets that way if any one should fail, you have fallbacks ... Beer, Whiskey, Wine, Scotch, etc
  18. Ramsey, I only want 2 so if you want 3 we could combine our forces !
  19. What's the minumum order ? I like a good cigar, just on occasion though.
  20. sol740

    Saying hello

    Nice, welcome.
  21. Nice, COD4 FTW. Also GTA4.
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