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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740


    ^lol ... that'll teach you to use the internet.
  2. Im glad he could figure our what he said too. LOL Though seriously, I think he was talking about belief in Jesus as a savior and not nessesarily a man that existed at some point in time. Although that is arguable as well. However I do admit there is evidence outside of Christianity that discusses Jesus, like Roman historians recount of Pilots activities. Regardless of what you believe I think its safe to say that if the teacher burned crosses in students arms than he should be fired. With undeniable evidence only, of course. Anyone protecting a teacher doing that I call un-christian, as the bible clearly states the body is a temple. Not to be purposefully harmed. Now we have to wait and see what surfaces.
  3. sol740

    QSL is Dead :\

    Basically if everyone would just come out check out the cars (setup some races elsewhere ofcourse) everything would be peachy. Unfortunetely we know how it actually works and theres always at least one asshole, and it only takes one. It kinds of sucks but I think I'd prefer a community that could self-police itself, than a crapshoot of morons that want to do "wicked burnoutz" in the middle of a fucking parking lot full of other cars that will probably spank it.
  4. Respectable numbers for a WRX at the wheels. Im sure it pulls plenty hard.
  5. Welcome, have fun with the new ride.
  6. Paintless dent repair, had it done to my 300zx and they fixed 3 dents for under $110.00, it was near perfect.
  7. Crush fart can civics till your hearts content ... but leave the Z's alone. They just want to hug corners.
  8. ^ that guy looks just like me !!! Robe and all ...
  9. sol740

    QSL is Dead :\

    When I see folks sitting in parking spaces holding their brakes and doing burnouts, its only a matter of time. I had a crappy Honda Civic EX I could do that with, who is impressed by this shit. (though I can't do burnouts in the EVO lol)
  10. The difference between science and religion is simply this, if a theory comes along that better explains (insert whatever is being explained) than the scientific community will collectively change their point of views. However the opposite is true of religion, in which regardless of evidence introduced the premise of the entire concept is based upon having faith. Faith is valued as a virtue. Even if we prove evolution exists (to a degee we can, just not inter-species evolution at this point) tomorrow, the religious world would still choose to ignore it. Thats fine, to each their own. As a matter of fact I am not against teaching the Theory of Creationism along side the Theory of Evolution in schools, as long as creationism encompasses the entire spectrum of divine intelligence. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, monotheistic, and polytheistic alike.
  11. Agreed, but those are not comparable examples to a highschool students story of what may or may not have occurred. Particularly when you have multiple stories being told. Therefore you can only have a determinate answer if facts are involved. This would actually end up being in the teachers favor, as this evidence, if it exists, would not be easy to produce. The funny thing is I'm being told Im some of sort of media sheep, because Im asking for facts ! The truth is I have about as much trust for the national media as I do every powerful entity (government, religion,pharmaceutical companies). Which is needless to say, very little. Just look at the same story as reported by CNN compared to Fox News, the stories may be the same, but the spin is where similarity faultlines. Sure I've listened to people/instituions/whatever about *whatever*, but more often than not I ask questions about method/repeatabilty/theory.
  12. sol740

    another new one

    Welcome, don't rice and you'll be fine. (says the guy with the shopping cart wing ... fuck you I like it)
  13. sol740

    4/25 QS&L

    With gas prices like they are driving anywhere to get the boot hurts twice as much.
  14. Only two tone civics with combat wings are allowed to apply.
  15. Hardly ... the difference between you and I, is that I prefer evidence over opinion. Its that simple. I trust just about no one on word alone, particularly pertaining to two-sided stories. It endearing how you can assume I believe everything blindly that comes from the TV screen, yet you're the religous one, not me. I actually prefer to have evidence. You just keep trusting your pastor though, they never twist the truth, or mislead anyone. (remember Benny Hinn)
  16. They demand you be louderer with your defence.
  17. You can pay those with our awesome free money checks coming soon from your friendly neighborhood government. Oh ... wait a minute ...
  18. I have to redirect you to my post above. "Overplaying" by the media, is hardly an apt description if the alleged is true. Saying you "know" people doesn't mean anything if there are facts to the contrary. Of course it could be false, and just hyperbole and hopefully that comes out soon. Remember, when the catholics were busy buggering their alter boys, everyone in the church said, "I know Priest "...", he wouldn't do that. Riiiiight.
  19. I wish I had photoshop at work.
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