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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    Hello Everyone

    Worst intro ever ... isn't there a for sale section ?
  2. Regardless of how I feel about organized religion, telling someone they can't have a belief (and freedom to be open about said belief) is the same as forcing religion on someone else. They both = suck, and as long as the guy keeps it out of his curriculum, no one should care.
  3. Sounds like you're being forced to use the police, or courts. Kids do stupid shit and dont care cause they're kids, as such its the parents job to be responsible for them. If they are not, you don't have a choice if you want your shit fixed.
  4. I showed up at 1045ish and my buddy who was suppose to be there didn't show. I didn't know anybody, so I just walked around checking out cars till I got bored and left. Friend calls me later cause his car wouldn't start. Plus someone was trying to do burnouts while parked next to me, so fuck that. Next time I need to cruise there with some folks.
  5. If your question starts with "does your woman bitch ..." the answer is yes.
  6. If I can get some time I'll roll on out. I'd prefer to keep my 20 spot. I get attached to money. Though I don't have a sticker yet.
  7. Lol ... its like dividing by zero ... than tossings some ninjas in for good measure.
  8. lol I hate that. Seems like everytime I pass someone in a decent car it gets mistaken for a ricer flyby.
  9. sol740

    This chic??

  10. pics of GTO or GTFO. sorry I had to ...
  11. Nice to meet ya. Clean Stang.
  12. Being a staunch atheist myself, I see no reason why we should try to stop someone from having a bible. Seems a little bit much, I mean as long as he isn't bible thumping the class who cares whats on his desk. It is his desk after all. Just because he teaches at a public school doesn't mean he isn't allowed to have his own opinions. .02
  13. May have a go at it if I can find some damn free time away from work. *edit* on second thought that wont ever happen.
  14. So is my car "murdered out" ... if thats what people really call it, I hope not. I just like black. Plus my headlights are getting blacked out soon ... maybe I'll forgo that mod to avoid the moniker. Plus if someone walks up to me and says "yo, that whip is murdered out !" I'll vomit all over myself.
  15. sol740

    Heyyy CR

    And steering this topic back on track ... I LIKE CARS ... your STI is a car. I like that.
  16. sol740


    I couldn't stand miatas ... till right about now. Quality work.
  17. meh ... I actually like everything but the fascia.
  18. Was cruising along today by the 270/670 split not paying attention to my speed. See the trooper in the median spot a little late, and of course tap my brake. I'm not sure how fast I was going, but assumed it was probably faster than 65mph. One minute later I see the blue and reds, and I start to pull over to the right lane. Cop flies right by me on his way somewhere else. I thought I was ticketed for sure.
  19. You can get a very nice 300zx Twin Turbo for around that price. Very quick with a couple bolt-ons and a flash. Though from experience I can say that as a DD, maybe not the most practical. VR4 maybe ? Lots of mustangs and fbodies available in your price range too, I suppose it just depends what you want.
  20. sol740

    Heyyy CR

    Yes pics please. I do so love the black cars.
  21. 87 octane ... damn ... good numbers. If I put 87 in my car and run a dyno, I hope no ones near the hood.
  22. I suppose if it doesn't he can just buy another one, LOL.
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