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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I find it sad that we are discussing this on columbusracing.
  2. LS1 ftw on that bunch. Unless you want the "prestige" of the bimmer. Volvo is a no no with all that mess.
  3. All you need is bash.org, and porn of course.
  4. sol740

    Immigration Day

    My father was an immigrant so my opinions are slightly aide from the average "fuck all immigrants" attitude. That said my father busted his ass to become a citizen, opened his own business and provided well for his own. A far cry from coming to the US solely to send money to some other countries economy, or pumping the welfare system. Fuck that gayness.
  5. You guys don't know the history of psychiatry !!! Glib ... stop .. glib ... don't be so ...
  6. Down, when date&time are concrete I'll know for sure.
  7. sol740

    cars and coffee

    Down if I can find a minute of free time.
  8. When u guys go EVO hunting just make sure you get the right one, what color was it ? Not black right? RIGHT?
  9. sol740

    Immigration Day

    ^ It says he's legal. Though fuck him for sending our money out anyway.
  10. That's super fucking weak ... pay the man !
  11. sol740


    Each team "expert" provided by pinks needs to make the first pass all out and see what the car actually runs. I use to dig that show but they should just change the name to "chumps". In respect to those that actually brought what was asked.
  12. sol740

    QSL is Dead :\

    Ford fucking up is their problem. Though I personally think American manufacturers have been making some clear strides over the last 10 or so years so good for them. It may just have come off more harsh than what you meant. Possible, but saying you "hate" something is usually interpreted as a sign of disrespect. I don't drive domestics, but I dont hate em. Hell, I would seriously consider buying an 09 camaro if I didnt need 4 doors. Though you are a nub, so this will blow over tomorrow and when we see each other at a meet, itll be funny because the internet world is goofballz like that.
  13. Smoked for almost ten years, then woke up one day and decided I didn't want to anymore. Haven't smoked for near 5 years and it was the best thing I ever did. Its worth it.
  14. Wow, who thought a Billy Madison quote would be such a downer... not I.
  15. Mini Honda El Camino Eh ? Mad props for posting that shit on here for sure.
  16. Its an EVO ... they do weird things ...
  17. Back to school, back to school, to prove to dad that I'm not a fool. Good luck, when you graduate I'll by you a beer. Did I say buy ? I meant drink one in front of you. Same shit.
  18. Awesome, the only problem is ricers will eventually learn about the new spot. Even if they stay out of the roped off CR lot, they'll flood the surrounding areas and commence stupidity, thus getting us all kicked. Thanks for putting in the legwork though, I for one will go and check out the scene.
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