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Posts posted by sol740

  1. You take them in-game, then it'll ask you if you want upload to the Forza Website, once its uploaded you can save them to your computer and upload to host.
  2. yes, and thats why michigan is sweet.


    I'll never agree with that, even if in Michigan all cars have hot topless girls with huge tits that gyrate, hypnotically, permi-mounted onto the hood.


    On second thought thats the only thing that would make me agree with that.

  3. I'm loving the wheel. I actually wish there was a force "wheel only" option when racing online. I do think the controller is an advantage just because their is no work involved (other than thumb work) to control the vehicle. Still I prefer the wheel in every way.



  4. I think its a huge improvement over the last one, which I couldn't stand. Though the crappier gas mileage is no good. I don't know, I would have considered it if I hadn't recently purchased a CRV. Though I love my CRV, it gets great mileage, is agile for an SUV ( even a small one) and has a decent amount of room for my snowboards.
  5. I like how everyone that opposes the bush admin claim that he lied about there being WMD's in iraq or whatever the lies are supposed to be. Funny that no one remembers the 13 years after the first gulf war. Saddam seemed to try pretty hard to defy the UN and in the last 5 years or so of that time he kept letting the weapons inspectors get pretty close to things and then would decide to kick them out of the country. Almost teasing us all. All the major world powers agreed that saddam had weapons or at least would have bet on it and that was the intelligence that the US used to decide to go into Iraq. Who knows if the intelligence was true. The point is if it was false it had many more world leaders than just President Bush fooled at the time. Please try to remember the news from back then and all the reports back and forth about saddam kicking out inspectors before making unproven claims that bush lied. Thats just liberal crap and not worthy of real debate.


    So he teased us ? So that means we should invade under the guise of "terrorism". Iran is by far (then and now) the bigger threat to the US. Iraq has only weakened since the first time we went over there, due to the heavy embargos we placed upon them. Saddam was denying the U.N. to look like a badass to the other countries surrounding him. Saddam was a media hero to many in the middle eastern region because he stood up to the MIGHTY USA. Though we all know he was nothing more than a knat in our face. An annoyance, not a threat. We toppled his regime in a matter of weeks. He was an asshole, not a terrorist. We should have focused our military power on real terrorist hot-beds. Unfortunetley since we've invaded, thats what Iraq has become. Thats all here and there though, and all this bickering matters very little now. What matters now is how we make our exodus as cleanly as possible. Though it looks a little bleak right now.

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