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Posts posted by sol740

  1. Toyota is a fine automaker and deserve their reputation for building some of the most reliable, and well-put together autos in the industry. Good for them. Hopefully the US manufacturers will step up their game.


    It's obvious that you havent given a domestic a legitimate chance for quite some time.


    Yes. Because I have been burned in the past and now I make my DD decisions with my best interest in mind, rather than take a chance on another possible piece of junk. The problem with american auto-makers is every time a step is made in the right direction, someone brings out a Pontiac Aztec or something similarly awful. Though consumer reports went over reliability within the first 4 years (i think it was 4) and american autos were behind japan, but well ahead of european autos, yet look how popular those are.

  2. http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/8231/lesteryl3.jpg


    Whats sad is that so many assholes were just waiting for something like this to happen so they could further there own agendas.


    The Gun Lobby


    The ANTI-Gun lobby


    Jack Thompson


    The list goes on and on.

  3. americans are getting so pussy now, kid's dont do shit and sit inside all day. and from your generation their political douchebags. and EVERYTHING has to politically correct and god forbid we offend someone. Thanks fuckers! :nono:


    Grammar check.


    Now that thats of the way. I was born in 80, I walked to school by myself in the elementary years. I was told to go out and play. I made dirt sandwiches, and jumped my friend's ATV's and dirtbikes with little regard to my own personal safety. We even set up a trampoline under my buddies roof, and set to fly like idiots off the roof. All while still having the time to play three sports, and with leftover time to watch Transformers, Voltron, and Robotech like my life depended on it.


    Oh and I played Nintendo like jesus christ was handing out free passes to heaven to the kid who played the longest (A habit I keep to this day). Somehow it all worked out and I had a great time.


    I agree that children are far more sheltered now than ever before. Though having a new child of my own I now understand why. I want nothing but to protect her. When I think of the shit I pulled as a child (lets not even bring up my adolescence) I'm amazed I wasn't more seriously injured at some point in my life.


    Add to the random idiocy of being young, the constant stream of psychos, and sickos that are perpetually coming out of the woodwork on a near daily basis, the world seems like a scary place to bring a child into.


    (even if violent crime as a whole was down-trending from 93-98, then on a near stready line to this day, I'm not sure of specific crime trends involving children)

  4. Columbus isn't too bad. Nothing compared to some of the other projects I've rolled through. NY, Chicago, even Cincy has some nasty ghettos. That said, Miller-Kelton, Champion ave, some other short east areas are pretty sketchy.
  5. Thats why I don't street race. You never know what kind of shit might go down. Risking my own life is my choice, but when you do it on the street most folks out there with you are just trying to get from point a to b and you put all of them at risk for an adrenaline rush. I hope no one was hurt, but I reaaallly hope the innocent bystander is ok.


    Stupid asses. Those are the type that kill the fun for everyone else.



  6. I own several guns. I enjoy going to the range, and shooting clay and the like. Though I've never hunted nor have I had any desire to kill something for no other reason than to kill it. I'm not against hunting, I just don't do it. Plus have YOU ever seen an asian guy in brown camo and orange. We just don't look right.


    My wife and I both have our concealed carry, and on occasion I exercise that right. I have never committed a serious crime (felony) and have never once thought of shooting someone that just pissed me off in traffic or something. Most individuals that own guns are responsible people, with respect for the damage a gun can do if handled improperly, or put into the wrong hands.


    That said, the gun laws in this country do need to be way more strict. There should be no reason in the world I can go to any Gun Show/Swap with little more than an I.D. and be able to purchase any number of weapons. I personally hate it when the NRA happy people complain about gun laws making it too difficult to get a firearm. It should be difficult, it should be gone over with a fine tooth comb every time someone chooses to purchase a firearm. Because there are plenty ( I would love to see a percentage but I can't find one ) of guns purchased completely legally that are used in crimes. Yes, many criminals will get illegal guns, so all that banning guns accomplishes is taking them out of the homes of law-abiding people who would like to protect their families. Though that doesn't mean it should be so easy to obtain.


    (follwed by the sound of a couple pennies hitting the ground)

  7. You won't get regular TV in true surround sound, unless its meant to be in surround sound. Which most TV is not. All HDTV and some primetime shows will be though. As long as you have your receiver set on dolby digital/5.1 for the TV function it should be automatic.
  8. Yeah. Some e-tuff guy decided to try to point out the obvious, so I pointed out that he was a loser. He got me for my 3rd sig violation :asshole:

    I only go on there to sell stuff. I sent the guy a nice private message, and started using my other username.


    ^ would someone please ban this guy.

  9. Loose lips fucking sink ships.


    And if you could download for weeks and not ge ti all that means his companys server is to slow.


    Did you not read what i said regarding busts with torrents?



    Also a good news readers is grabit. http://www.shemes.com/


    I hardly gave enough info about anything to feel worried about sinking anyones ship. Flag my IP, my local media server hard drives are encased in thermite. Connected to a battery backup.


    Secondly the whole story was a lie I made up to make myself feel cool. I retract the whole statement and will try not to lie on the interweb anymore.


    Feel better ?

  10. After reading more about the shooter he seemed to be the near defintion of a sociopath. I do not understand how someone can randomly march though a college campus offing people with reckless abandon like so much target practice. Makes you feel sick inside.


    However this is an unfortunate pattern in the human culture. For no good reason sometimes people snap. Whether its over an extended period of time, or a one-off event that causes it. The info I've been reading mostly went over his loner personality, fits of depression, and overall anti-social disposition. Some peoples wiring is just not correct, and without serious intervention (and most likely considerable medication) it is extremly difficult to stop, if possible at all.

  11. Being a relatively new father I was not sure how I would be as someones "dad". Or if I would cut it. There was even some fear that I would not love the child as much as I was suppose to. After she was born I instantly understood my fears were unfounded and that I would anything within my power to protect her. When I saw stories like this pre-parenthood I was dumbfounded as to how someone could do something this vile. Post-paretnhood I understand even less, and hope only the worst for this kind of scum.
  12. I love torrents, they are good when ya need em. Though me and my friends just set up a private FTP with about 15 people and its all hosted on my friends company servers. Super quick and super easy. Each of us has enough decent content (i.e. porn, porn, porn, some music and movies, and porn) that we could literally download for weeks and not get it all.
  13. Nevermind, I was looking at the other thread and most of the people that voted for both days also said the probably wouldnt make the first.


    There will be other events.


    I think we should do a spoof on Pinks while we are up there :p


    "Lose the race, lose your avatar."


    (by the way when I buy a new lawnmower I will def be buying some VTEC stickers to go with it)

  14. EXACTLY what I was trying to convey. I seriously think racism would die in the near future if we didn't have these "community leaders" seperating races even more by calling everything discriminatory.


    Thats racist !!! How dare you insinuate racism exists outside of the white community !!!

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