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Posts posted by sol740

  1. Not a smart thing to do. Though I saw a couple rated R movies while in school, so I'm not sure what to think. Maybe permission slips sent home first with an educational explanation for showing such risque material. While including an "opt-out" option for those whose parents may have religious reasons for not wanting their child to view the film in a school setting.
  2. keep livin in the past bud. whats done is done.


    tell all of us how/what you would have done mr democrat.


    I know if I was the president and some terrorists flew god damn commerical planes into buildings in my country I would definitely send our huge military over and restore our well being.


    guessing you would just sit back and take it in the ass... and say "ahh dont do it again or else!"


    Mr Democrat ? Get your head out of your ass Mr. Republican and try focusing on something other than political affiliation, something like ... um I don't know ... evidence to support your claim.


    So you must have all that missing intel about WMD's everyone has been clamoring over.




    Terrorism is prevelant in almost all middle eastern countries. As a matter of fact, there are more terrorist cells in Iraq now then there ever were before. Do some research and you'll find Suddam was hated by most extremist Muslim terrorists because he claimed to be a holy man of Islam. Which to anyone outside of Iraqi broders, he was not. Don't get me wrong he was a douche and he deserved what he got, but we've made things worse for now and that sucks. Hopefully the democracy we instill will take and work for us in the end. That is unlikely however.

  3. WOW, I was thinking the same thing. In highschool I made a DooM2 level of the basic outline of our hs. I never fucking thought twice about it. Actually I made it sitting in the computer lab and we deathmatched it. I'm pretty sure we still played it after columbine I'm pretty sure.


    Thats hilarious, I was doing some texture editing for the map while in my schools lab. LOL.

  4. Battle Royal did it first and did it better (not counting series 7 which was terrible by all counts), and didn't take itself so seriously. The movie would have been OK for a visceral kick if it wasn't constantly trying to load on the ham-fisted satire.


    Plus Steve Austin and acting = fail. I don't think he had a line with more than 1 or 2 sentences at a time.

  5. I am just curious where your dislike for Christians came from? Just curious.. :cool:


    I dislike all religion not just Christianity. Though my disdain for any religion has little to do with the comment I made. Its a sad state of truth but most politicians will put themselves into the christian category if asked about their religious beliefs, because it's the popular religion in this country which = more votes for them. What is ignored, is their actual actions in relation to their own supposed religious beliefs (or lack therof). I grew up in a protestant christian home, and 2 of my 6 siblings are pastors at their churches with one more in a christian college looking to go down the same road. So I do not "dislike christians", so much as dogmatic points of view. I have many loved ones immersed in Judeo-Christianity. I've read the bible completely through many, many times, several occasions as a believer, many more as not. Though that has nothing to do with this topic. If you are truly interested in a theological discussion, by all means shoot me a PM, or start a thread. Though it may be "Kitchen" material as a few religious folks out there can't stand having their views questioned and unfortunetly many a decent, conversation about basic theological perspectives have turned quite sour. Hows the saying go:


    "Talk about anything but Politics or Religion."


    Back on TOPIC ... I want to see a timely removal of U.S. troops from Iraq until there is significant evidence we will be able to further our common goal of preventing terrorism within our borders by staying. Keep in mind taking out an Al-Queda leader or two has little to no effect on stopping terrorism, as they prefer to work in cells seperated from centralized leadership to avoid any "remove head from body" trickle down.

  6. It's funny when people say WE, like they've been there. Sorry if you ain't served, your opinion don't mean shit cause you don't know what REALLY goes on there. You just see/read what somebody writes or reports. On another note. MY SOLUTION TO IRAQ



    When we say "we" we mean the countrymen(women) of "The United States of America." Not being in Iraq fighting the war does not invalidate anyones opinion on the matter. The soldiers didn't all get together and decide to go into Iraq, they were ordered to, and they did. Thats what soldiers do. Our leadership makes decisions on what and how to go about said war(s) and we vote those people into office. Therefore everyone and anyone has the right to say whatever the hell they want to regardless of how unpopular that opinion may be.


    That said. Your solution is sound.

  7. What the fuck are you talking about? Are you fucking stupid? Linux won't keep your hard drive from dying dipshit. Read. His hard drive does nothing but click. And a backup seems like overkill???? You must not work in IT. And I'm really curious what version of Linux you use if any at all. Probably Redhat.........




    My bad you fucking retard. I didn't read the 'clicking' part (that or it didn't register right) just the crashed part. Fuck you for assuming what I do and don't know, and yes I work in IT and have since I graduated you fucktard. I use ROCK and ubuntu distros like it fucking matters what distro I use. Knowing Redhat enterprise gets you fucking paid so obviously you know jack shit. I just misread what he typed and your up my ass about it so you can go fuck off now.

  8. The question that needs to be asked is what do we gain from staying any longer ?


    The negative. We lose more tax dollars. We lose more troops. Though if we leave too early it looks like a win for the terrorists, unfortunetely this may be un-avoidable at this point anyway.


    The positive. We may gain more ground in creating a more stable enviroment for a budding democracy. The more democracy in the middle east the better. However the moment we leave the country will be plunge into a civil war between warring islamic factions. They are already doing it with us there. Also we can look at the Palestinians to prove how "democracy" works in a country full of religious zealots. Hamas (the terrorist organization) gets voted into parliament power. Its the same reason so-called "christians" get voted into political office over here. Popularity.


    10X is correct when he stated this "war" is not against a country. Its not a border war, its not a government organization, and they do not stay "in-bounds". Its facism. Religious facism, and its spreading at an alarming rate.

  9. When I was interviewed for my admin position I asked for directions when the hiring manager called. I didn't really think anything of it. I wasn't familiar with that part of town, and she was more than obliged to get me there in a timely and punctual manner, and I got the job. I think its a little harsh to not hire someone just cause they asked for something as simple as directions. Now if they had asked for sex with your wife ...
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