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Posts posted by sol740

  1. Its hard to classify Tool at all. My cousin's band Isis that opened for them in 2006 was always dubbed "underground nu-metal" which was kinda bogus since they were just trying to bring a new twist to really dark music. i think tool has their metal moments, but yea i'd agree with you for the most part in saying that they're more hard rock


    I agree with you that they are for the most part, undefinable.

  2. Magic wand is okay for selecting shadowed and non-shadowed areas separately as well. Particularly if you're trying to do a pseudo-vector piece. Polygonal lasso and pen-tool are your best friends though.
  3. you guys listen to the shittiest fucking metal. HIM???? fuck that shit



    Meshuggah, Mogwai, ISIS (my cousin's band that opened for Tool), Tool, Mastodon. You want some shit to thrash to listen to Dillinger Escape Plan or the Blood Brothers, or Mclusky.


    As for the US losing metal, I agree to a certain point. I think Mastodon is fucking sweet. Outside of the U.S. Mogwai is fucking crazy Scottish metal that my cousin toured with on their european tour.











    I would hardly say Tool is metal. And I've been a fan of Tool since Opiate and have seen them live 6 times. More hard rock then metal. Meshuggah however, are fan-fucking-tastic.

  4. one of the best movies of all time in my opinion i really liked it


    Well I would hope you "really" liked it, if you rank it as one of the best movies of all time. How you could, I cannot fathom. Though thats subjective and to each their own. I really liked the film, and its mildly historically acurate to the actual Battle of Thermopylae (some timeline and event structures only, OFCOURSE I understand that the real "Immortals" weren't ratlike monsters)


    It was cool that some lines of dialogue were things actually spoken during the now famous battle i.e,


    " ... our arrows will blot out the sun "


    "The we will fight in the shade."


    or when Xerxes army asks them to lay down their weapons.


    "Come and get them."


    Good stuff. However my major issue is that some of the scenes were overly stylized and it didn't really need it. For instance in the beginning when Xerxes doomed messengers ride over the horizon. That single sequence lasted 60 seconds too long.




  5. Nobody is taking anything you're saying seriously or personally.

    Just reminding you that you are still a Newb supreme.

    And the irony of NEWB welcoming another NEWB to the site. (and its funny)


    So quit yer bitching and enjoy




    That would make perfect sense if this entire post wasn't a joke. Or if I had actually tried to "welcome" anyone (which I didn't).


    Though yah, I'm a n00b supreme no doubt.


    Though isn't your post "bitching" about me "bitching" ironic in the same way. (which is to say not ironic at all)

  6. Nope, You still need to STFU FNG


    I had high hopes for you, but then you had to go and fuck it all up.


    Yah, I tend to do that.


    Though for a forum where I'm constantly hearing things like "we give each other a lot of shit" or "people will fuck with you, don't take it personally" some of you guys kind of take it "personally".

  7. Baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me.... No more.


    Damn it ... now I'm gonna want to kill myself all day long. Or I can get a coat hanger, straighten it out, ram it up my nose and try to manually delete the memory I have of that song and I should be okay.

  8. Damn. I knew I should have gone with the Microsoft Paint style and super sideways speeding drifty car.


    LMAO ...


    For those who didn't see my O.G. sig hes talking about this.



  9. Dont worry, none of the people fucking with you are any good at it or qualified to do so. Try and keep a sense of humor when posting here though... it's 90% idiots.


    I didn't take any of it seriously, but thanks for the heads up.



    Bandwidth reasons and general annoyance, and the sig FAQ are posted at the top of every section.


    Thanks to people previous to you abusing sig rules


    I assumed it was for a reason like that, I don't mind, I'll just make a sig that fits those parameters. See ... told you I didn't search hard enough. Though, the title to my thread isssss "N00Bish".

  10. big sig for a newb


    Weirdest rule I've ever heard of ... but OK, when in rome.


    I checked the faq for a list of rules and didn't find them. Oh well, proabably should of searched harder.

  11. The wing is a little much, but other than that it is a nice car. Welcome.


    Wing came with the car when I bought it, and will be replaced with a 99 wing, or 90-93. Not sure yet, though to be honest replacing it is pretty low on my priority list as I don't hate the wing, Im just not head over heels about it.

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