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Posts posted by sol740

  1. One thing that must be pointed out as well is most societies that existed outside of Christianity had a basic "moral code" that was similar in many ways to some of the ten commandments. Its basic biological morality, not biblical. A mother has a child in an indigenous tribe out in the middle of nowhere. The basic herd mentality wants to protect that child, and its mother for the purpose of self-preservation. Not because Moses got drunk and said so. Also most non-christian societies (tribal and more modern governmental) have some sort of law regarding the stealing of others property. Thieves being viewed as assholes was hardly an original idea when the 10 commandments were created.


    Not that the ten commandments are a bad thing, the ideas are for the most part sound. Though I hardly see too many people besides Jews keeping the Sabbath.


    What about the long forgotten 9th amendment ?


    "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."


    Or forget that ... what about the good old pursuit of happiness ? God knows my "pursuits" of happiness often times wrap back around to TNA.


    EDIT: On a completly unrelated, and offtopic tip, I thought you'd like this V8 ...



  2. Did you take you BP meds today? Sounds like I hit a sore spot.... or is that conviction?


    No it sounds like you've resorted to insulting me because you can't come up with a counter response. Though it may not be completely your fault because cynicism is often mistaken for anger when your online. I respect that you have a spiritual side. If it makes your life better good for you, I hope your happy. Just keep it in your church or family setting and thats fine. Start to understand that everyone has a right to their own point of view about what to believe about life (afterlife?).


    (Though your response could have been a joke, and I don't know because of the lack of inflection thats sorely absent on the interweb)

  3. oh here we go.....



    The old intolerance/racist/bigot excuse. People who like the social degradation that the US has been on since the 1960's throw that out. Intolerance.... should we tolerate NAMBLA? It always makes me laugh when someone tries to make a moral stand they are told they are intolerant, a racist, a bigot, a hate monger , an homophobe. ect



    The dangerous path is to allow an anything goes society. Next thing, some guy is wanting to marry his dog.


    When your morals mean imposing restictions on other law-abiding adults with the same rights as you, based off of a fairy tale book that also happens to have some decent stories about good and evil (of which there is plenty of evil with the good) yes I call bigotry. Not just bigotry, but facism. The ten commandments ... pllllllleaaaaase ... do you remember what the punishment for adultery is for women (just women by the way OF COURSE) in the old testament ? Its stoning ! Not just stoning, but stoning in front of their families doorstep ... is that also a a good lesson to teach your kids. There are plenty of little ignored hypocricies in modern christianity but its the christians themselves that pick and choose which bullshit to swallow. Hence the reason even they can't agree on anything. Baptists, Catholics, Mormon, Jehovahs ... whos right ? Or better yet, who cares. Congadulations, welcome to the state of religious rule. Whats best is how the churches want seperation when it comes to taxes ... but want their fucking noses in everyone elses business for everything else. Its obvious you have religious blinders over your eyes and will fabricate any excuse nessesary to deflect the fact that its basically none of your business what other adults do with their sex life as long as its within the law.

  4. and a decent quarterback throwing to him...thats a big component





    still, i doubt ginn's ability as a pure reciever. I think he'll make an excellent replacement for Wes Welker right now as a kick returner and secondary/terciary reciever, but he's also really small. he won't be able to block on run plays, which you always see good recievers doing (case in point, hines ward), he's going to be up against safetys that A) can keep up with him and B) can hit him fucking HARD, and his favorite play (fake post, then take off for the end zone) is not going to work in the NFL.


    I agree to a degree ... but you don't have to kill someone with a block to get in their way. That alone can make a play. That extra second of delay can be a touchdown.

  5. Not really anything special you have to do after formatting the drive. If you want to RAID, your board has to support it natively, though there is backup software available. I think the resource it takes up isn't worth it when you can easily just copy and paste the stuff you actually want to save, and avoid backing up unessesary program/driver/dll/ect files. and takingup space you could use for something else. Striping sucks anyway.
  6. But the way he uses harping means enforcing like by laws, I think (like the current topic), where as spreading beliefs are either freely taken or rejected.




    Practice whatever religious beliefs you want. If you feel the need to tell others and share your beliefs ... GREAT ... do it. You can be spiritual, without being religious though. What you don't do, is go out of the way to fuck others cause you think their beliefs (or lack thereof) contradict yours, thus making that individual "evil" or "amoral". Morals are subjective, and I need more people telling me how to live like a need a hole in the head. Thats the problem with all religion as a whole. Whenever someone thinks outside of their little closed in box, its like the whole world is gonna explode if they are not silenced. Look at the mess were in with all the crazy ass, extremist, fundamentalist muslims out there. You think their convictions are any less sincere ? Believe it or not there are a billion people that are just as religious, and absoluteley sure of their rightousness almost solely based off of childhood indoctrination into a religion, directly related to what region of the world you reside on.


    Of course I'm not trying to make a direct comparison between terrorism, and the shutting down of adult clubs. Its just the mentality of one thinking their ideas trump others based off of a belief with no scientific evidence to support their claims. If I tell you that gravity causes things to fall to the earth, and you don't believe me thats fine. Though I can still throw an apple above your head and it will strike you, over, and over, and over ad nauseum. If you tell me that Adam was the first human being, or that Allah is going to give you 70 virgins when you die, thats fine too. Though don't expect me to believe you (or worse take OFFENSE) without a shred of verifiable data to back you up.


    (though I love how I am instantly labeled as "lost")

  7. Ted Ginn will get killed in the NFL.. He might want to learn to take a hit!!

    As a Browns fan I wanted A.Peterson instead of J.Thomas but hey we got Quinn and now if we pick a speedy RB we might draw even this year!!!!!!!!! :)


    Not if he can't be caught. If someone is looking at his back ... good luck doing anything but wearing yourself out. Plus taking "hits" isn't his job. Why take a chance getting splattered to gain 3 more yards on one play, when you can play a little safe and gain hundreds of yards later.

  8. I think it would be a broad generalization to say that it is the only the bible thumpers that would ike to see the clubs go away. I am sure that there are many people that would like them to go away so there is less chance there daughter will end up there.


    No matter your religious background, or lack of, I doubt that any one could give a good argument with regards to the clubs being helpful to any community. The clubs are mainly located in less desirable areas because most people will not stand for the drop in property value they will sustain if a new club opens next door to them.


    I have a great idea...those of you that think we should have the strip clubs remain the same, go out and start getting signatures of Ohio residents to introduce a measure on the ballot to protect the clubs. I can see it now...


    " Excuse me! We are with the strip club association. We are gathering signatures to help protect the strippers rights to take there clothes off for your husband. Can we count on your support?"


    BTW... it was the bible thumpers that wrote the constitution that allows the states the right to regulate such activity.


    Well as much as I appreciate a good welt from the ol' bible belt, allow me to retort.


    I want to see breasts.


    There are of-age females in full consent that will show me their breasts for a fee.


    Where in this equation do your religious beliefs, or future parental desires come into play ? Oh wait ... they don't.


    As far as property values go, I will agree, but thats why you don't have any strip clubs in New Albany, or in the middle of uptown Dublin. Because the communities decide. When Worthington opened that strip club by the mall a couple years back, the community fought, and it was shut down. The COM-MUN-ITY, not the state.


    As far as petitions go, you bring up an interesting point. Though what is the reason people won't sign. Because years of religious hypocrisy, has painted the idea of "sex" in this country as a bad thing. A societal faux pas to be shunned, and embarrassed of. Of course they won't sign. Yet nothing is more natural than sex, as a matter of fact, denying oneself is what should be considered odd. Look at all the catholic priests ogling altar boys by the dozen. They all took vows of celibacy, how good did it do them ?


    Also I love it when people bring up how the constitution was written by people practicing their freedom of religion, yet they're always the first to harp on anyone not ALSO practicing the same exact thing. Freedom of RELIGION ... as long as you're christian that is ...

  9. Most people think import cars are better because they are clueless and need the dumbshits at Consumer Reports to tell them what to think.


    Whaaaa, the Cobalt interior looks like crap. Well it looks as good as a Corolla IMO. People that buy Cobatls don't buy them for their interiors. Hell, the interior on my '91 S10 is as plain and simple and basic as you can get, and I like it. If you want a nice interior, go buy a Buick or Cadillac or something that costs more than 18k brand new and was targeted to the high school and college market (I am referring to the Cobalt).


    GM build quality is just as good, if not better, than Toyota or Honda or whoever you wanna compare them to. Some of you guys should try talking to a mechanic sometime, they might change your views. Ever notice that 75% of the mechanics at Roush Honda drive a Chevy? True story.


    People like different cars for different reasons, many of which don't fall under the category of being "clueless". Toyotas and Hondas and the like worked their way up from being under-dogs. Good for them.

  10. http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r250/trowabarton420/google2.gif


    I meant first/second hand information on actually using one of them! ;)


    Def will. A buddy of mine built his own gaming chair with an actual sparco seat and mini-cage. I was thoroughly impressed. After playing GT in that chair I knew I was gonna have to step it up for Forza 2. Though I am way too lazy to build my own, so this one will have to do. So far I've heard nothing but good things about playseats.

  11. Having clocked an ungodly amount of hours with the OG Forza I am super-stoked about the upcoming release. I am waiting with fervent anticipation for the demo so I can whet my appetite.


    Some neat additions to the game include better physics (is it possible), better damage modeling, and 4000 possible layers (however unused they may go) for all you Forza car-choppers out there (myself included). I'm particularly anxious to try out the new editor as many of the hours I put into the game were spent perfecting the designs of the cars I purchased. My favorite still being the 03 Skyline GTR I wasted many a night on. Plus there is an actual text editor this time around so no more chopping shapes to make words.


    Add to that the new Live features such as the online auctions. Plus other multiplayer aspects, which is one of the many features that turned me off of the Gran Turismo games.


    I just purchased the Microsoft Wireless Wheel w/PGR in preparation. I have to say I am impressed. The quality of wheel itself (even the table mount) is top notch and with the table mount you can really feel the force feedback fighting with you. I plan on buying on of these before the game drops.




    Waste of money ... I don't think so.


    Though I won't be buying 3 seperate 360's with 3 seperate flat panel screens to do the side window views ... as awesome as that sounds.

  12. I've owned both. I bought a fixer upper condo when I was 20. Built up my credit for 4 more years and fixed up everything real nice. New appliances, fixtures, paint, carpet, trim, and sold it for a hefty profit. I turned around put that down on a house I had built in Blacklick.


    I liked my condo after I had done most of the work making it decent again, but theres nothing quite like owning a home. No crappy neighbors banging on the walls cause the music, and an overall feeling of privacy. Not to mention the additional 1200 sq ft I gained in the switch. The only thing I hate is the yardwork. If I wasn't so cheap I'd pay somone else to it. Though every time I consider it, I feel guilty ... like I should be throwing that money at my car instead, and I'm right.

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