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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Oh no, won't someone please think of the disgusting child molester's rights? Someone call the Vatican. Seriously though, from what I'm reading all evidence points to the father's story being true. Horrible for him and his daughter to have to experience. The only possible silver lining I can think of is he likely saved other future victims from the same. ^ Fuck that guy.
  2. The firing wasn't to teach the kid anything, it was designed to fire the person who required firing. I take bullying very seriously as a parent, but a 6 year old is out of a teacher's scope of authority when it comes to violent reprimands.
  3. I did meet a guy that looked like that fucked up looking kid. Put a terrible fear in my soul.
  4. I don't know, gotta hear more facts before I can make a judgement. Sounds pretty extreme for the age. How was he a bully? Were his parents given notice of the problem? This story is the type where it's easy to immediately assume the child was a brat with shit parents, and the teacher just giving him a needed life lesson, however teachers have unfairly singled out students before, and have been fired for abusing kids they simply didn't like. I'm not saying that's the case, just saying I don't know enough about the details.
  5. Sprint "Network Vision" is a series of consolidations and upgrades designed to increase efficiency and throughput, across multiple spectrums and networks that previously required separate towers. We'll see if it works out. The only reason I'm still with Sprint is because of the unlimited data plans and decent Wimax coverage in cbus. If you complain about the signal in your home they'll send you a femtocell device that allows your cell to operate on VOIP in and around your home. I received one a few years back(for free because I complained enough) at my old house, and it worked well. Of course if we are getting the Vision upgrades hopefully it's all operational soon.
  6. sol740

    New to me DD

    Nice DD, congrats.
  7. sol740

    Cutest baby ever!

    Some of these folks have some goofy looking babies. Yours actually has a shot, too cute.
  8. The mural depicting the Xeno has facehuggers mouthraping engineers, or possibly humans on it. Lower left and right. Very similar to Gigers Lifecycle. http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/2910/georgeft.jpg
  9. Story-wise it's stand-alone. Though it's the same universe, and is suppose to lead up to the events in Alien. It's definitely not a reboot. Though yeah, Ridley does love his strong female protagonists. I'm not sure what Ridley Scott considers canon, I assume just Alien, and possibly Aliens. I personally pretend the rest don't exist, but AVP the comic books were sick.
  10. I saw that post on some forums and really enjoyed reading it. I can even say I agree on quite a few of the thematical, and plot points. I tend to think of the engineers as far less altruistic by nature. I really meshed with David's message to Holloway that we may be unimpressed with our makers.
  11. Mild Spoilers I thought it was great. Some of the story elements felt a tad hamfisted, and some of the humans acted rather oddly, often in regards to their self-preservation (dude talking to the alien snake thing instead of running like a bitch). Overall though I enjoyed it, and appreciate a lot of the ambiguity. What Ridley Scott imo nailed was the atmosphere, and setting, and giving some fanservice nods. SPACE JOCKEY! I also thought the use of 3d was really immersive and tastefully done. When this comes out on 3d bluray I will pony up the tax.
  12. Going tonight. Anxiously excited.
  13. Jones and I were on for about 2 hours last night, the majority of which we spent looking for each other, or dying, or falling off of cranes, or dancing in the ocean. Or shooting each other in the face. We eventually started killing ourselves, checking the spawn location and referencing the web map. That's definitely faster than trying to hoof it from one side of the continent to the next, the map is huge.
  14. I would be all over something like that for $19.99.
  15. I fucking dig it, it's a chunk of change for a wing though.
  16. Minus the sea of hawt women and killer weather.
  17. I'm for it, what if an unrestrained animal went flying out of a car, say mid-flip, and lost a paw.
  18. I think the OP means a minor league that serves as direct access to the NFL.
  19. That seems to be a hot topic these days. The NCAA is the defacto minor league, and the popularity of the sport, and the amount of money it generates is heavily tied into the reason why we don't see a proper minor league. Some have suggested seperating the universities from the football programs in all but name(think licensing), which at first sounds appalling(especially in a place like Columbus), but when broken down, makes a lot of sense. Players would have the option of attending school, as opposed to being forced, they would be paid, the draconian and non-sensical rules of the astonishingly confusing NCAA rule book would no longer apply. It makes a lot of sense, so you can bet it won't happen.
  20. sol740

    Diablo 3

    Yeah, just been busy with DayZ.
  21. I agree with Phil, kid should have been taken to school. I also agree with Rocky, he wouldn't have learned anything.
  22. There is a steam compatible mod, must have Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. I've read that Arma 2: Free and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead will allow you to run DayZ, though I'm not totally sure if that works.
  23. That's why I love games with permadeath. Makes those moments feel more weighted.
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