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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Generally I agree with the above statement, however you hardly hold yourself to the same standard in this very thread, and in a similarly toned thread you resorted to the following. These are not examples of intelligent discourse. It's easy to call someone a fool should they disagree with you, or insult someone's position in life, rich or poor, as if you know. It's more difficult to really listen and ask the questions that make them use the critical part of their own brain to find an answer whether in your favor or not. Now there have been several versions of Obama's birth certificate bandied around the web, some trumpeted from the highest point of many fringe independent news sources. Knowing that several of the supposed BCs have been unequivocally ousted as fakes(most notably the one that said "Republic of Kenya", which conveniently didn't exist yet), doesn't create enough doubt to question the validity of the entire movement? "Oh, that was fake, but believe us ... THIS ONE IS REEEEEAL".
  2. sol740


    I would agree that more actual driving would have been welcome, but the film as a whole IMHO was excellent.
  3. Yeah, I love to see a recruit that stoked about being a buckeye.
  4. Very cool. I remember watching the tech tv special when he was first allowed back on the web. When I read "The Art of Deception" I remember laughing about how it was all about just knowing enough to lie your way to access.
  5. I use to play MW3, till I got shot in the knee with an arrow.
  6. Amidst all the horror ... and I can't stop laughing.
  7. As with all web info make of it as you will. Some good back and forth in the comments.
  8. You're a quick one, I was going to let that joke slip into the ether. I agree PC is better.
  9. Just pick something that works for your needs and stop pretending like your consumer electronic device choices somehow makes you elite. It's fucking stupid. Also Apple is a shit company that makes good devices.
  10. sol740

    New Purchase

    Nice, congrats on the new piece.
  11. I've carried the 3 inch officers grip, and the 4 inch commander, but not a government model. I did not find the commander uncomfortable, and with the right setup I don't think a full-size would be too uncomfortable.
  12. Congrats, it's convenient having a subcompact for sure. I've heard these are good little guns.
  13. I was like ... really? All of this? In Cleveland? Fooking nutz.
  14. That's a slick looking pistol. Congrats on the new pickup. I'm curious about the trigger pull.
  15. Welcome, there's no shortage of fbodies on this site, and a few thirdgens here and there.
  16. Welcome, nice clean vette.
  17. For real. That's a real bitch move right there. Risking some dudes life for $50, I hope that kid got fucked up. Also, why are you recording this?
  18. No shit, from the Harbaugh Bowl to No Harbaughs Allowed.
  19. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=40e_1327252433 Cross fingers for no repost.
  20. Not sure if directed at me or not, but I was just saying that in the event of someone seriously threatening your life, that you prioritize that threat over the possibility of someone else mistakenly shooting for defending yourself, just from a logical point of view. Not trying to play probability with one unlikely sitaution, then add more more variables. The best deterrent is situational awareness, and avoidance. However should that fail I prefer to be armed. Like I said though, not sure if referring to me.
  21. Hahaha, what else can you do but thumbs up.
  22. I'm a big fan of his foreign policy. No more policing the world, strengthening our military domestically, expecting of ourselves what we expect of others.
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