Generally I agree with the above statement, however you hardly hold yourself to the same standard in this very thread, and in a similarly toned thread you resorted to the following.
These are not examples of intelligent discourse. It's easy to call someone a fool should they disagree with you, or insult someone's position in life, rich or poor, as if you know. It's more difficult to really listen and ask the questions that make them use the critical part of their own brain to find an answer whether in your favor or not.
Now there have been several versions of Obama's birth certificate bandied around the web, some trumpeted from the highest point of many fringe independent news sources. Knowing that several of the supposed BCs have been unequivocally ousted as fakes(most notably the one that said "Republic of Kenya", which conveniently didn't exist yet), doesn't create enough doubt to question the validity of the entire movement? "Oh, that was fake, but believe us ... THIS ONE IS REEEEEAL".