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Everything posted by sol740

  2. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/feb/16/cabelas-coming-delaware-county-ar-934917/
  3. Sure, what the hell. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_8314.jpg
  4. The milder, gentler Paul. It's just like the old Paul, with spellcheck and apparently, internet forgiveness. I thought this thread was going to be way worse than it ended up being. OP, don't take shit from any of these folks. It's more entertaining for me that way. Also, nothing incites more eyerolls than the old "oh yeah well in real life ... blah blah blah". This isn't life, this is a series of tubes, so like Bravo so wisely said, roll with it. Wait, why am I saying this, you've been a member longer than I have.
  5. sol740


    ORC states Words to key on are "conspicuous location" and "knowingly violates". Obviously the enumerated no carry zones are always off-limits, regardless of knowing, or signage.
  6. Glock 19 is a great compromise between carry and still having a full grip for regular range visits. Of course pretty much all the decent compacts have grip extensions, or take the fullsize mags and a sleeve. FWIW I've been loving my M&P9C. I think Kyles list is pretty much on point, but I'd also shoot the SR9C. I've really liked that pistol, and its a bit cheaper, enough for a nice holster.
  7. You'd think by now they'd all be aiming for the bastards, save some ammo.
  8. sol740


    What signs, I see no signs.
  9. There's no gun registration in Ohio. LOL. I've never had problems with the guys at the powder room, they were always cool with me.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't even imagine how rough that is. My thoughts go out to you and your family.
  11. Can't be worse than Spiderman 3. Which somehow fucked up Venom.
  12. Can you imagine being a Bills fan and having to kill yourself.
  13. Please do, I've been curious about the Nikons.
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