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Everything posted by sol740

  1. The lights of the Aurora Borealis reflected off a weather balloon and caused an optical illusion in the shape of a man running, this likely set off a predatory response in the young man, still learning the intricacies of his post-puberty body. Thus it was all tragic self-defense.
  2. I honestly don't know how an immature, smart-ass 17 yr old me would respond to a grown man accosting me in such a manner. Not to say that suspicion isn't warranted, but it's a bad idea to go above and beyond when no life is in danger at that moment, cause this is the shit that happens.
  3. Not really arguing any of your actual points, just bringing up that in most gun shot cases, being able to move a long distance before succumbing to blood loss/shock is more common than just dropping dead where you stand, save most heart, head, and spinal cord shots.
  4. I like sports. I also like dungeons and dragons. Play fantasy football.
  5. sol740

    Cupcake flavors!

    My wife goes to that place in Powell, I think it's Pink Moon, cause they make these stupid good snicker doodle cupcakes. Uhhh, link?
  6. Agreed, I mean there are obvious cases where a X kills a Z specifically and only because of racial/sexual/religious whatnots, and as terrible as that is, looking for those roots in every altercation only serves to cheapen actual crimes of hate. This guy was a quack, no need to do the police's job. If I see something fishy in my neighborhood, the cops can handle it. The threshold starts at the door.
  7. I only like college football, pro football, basketball, MMA, the Olympics, Xgames(snowboard and skateboard), competitive shooting, bowling with friends, darts at the bar, curling, trying to get more paper balls into my office wastebasket than the previous day ... (etc)
  8. Haha, Paul and I have discussed putting together a CR trip to somewhere with decent terrain, like Snowshoe or Seven Springs. My issue is planning around family stuff. I did not, I tend to dislike riding bowls unless we're talking kneeshots. With the weather like it was I'd be afraid of the terrain.
  9. They reeled it in. That was looking baaaaaaaaad for a minute.
  10. I have to agree, the terrain was incredible, and the views riding down were incredible. I didn't see any igloos, but the areas are so huge I could have easily missed it.
  11. Haha, I thought you'd like. We rode trees trying to powder hunt pretty much the whole time, since it's hardly snowing out there, and unseasonably warm. To my surprise and joy there were plenty of untracked tree paths. The last pic shows the glades we rode on the way, that was about halfway down.
  12. A couple of my friends moved out to Colorado a few years back so I try to visit when I can. Shot a few rifles in the mountains the first day, and then rode the rest of the time. Last time I went I rode the front range, Winterpark and Mary Jane, this time I finally got to ride the back range. Hit Aspen and Snowmass. Rode for free since my buddy works there. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0364.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0245.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0246.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0362.jpg Colorado is absolutely gorgeous. I am seriously considering moving there someday myself.
  13. That looks very nice, the colors are really clean. I agree about the cutting and fitting, it was a PITA. Thanks, we dig it so far. Been using the lower oven a lot more than I anticipated.
  14. We bought our house a couple years back now, but the wife never really liked the kitchen. So I had a bonus coming and blew it on kitchen shit. Had granite countertops installed, bought a new double oven, and installed a new faucet and glass tile backsplash. I've never done a backsplash before, it was more work than I realized, but looks nice. Before http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0325.jpg After Granite/Stove/Faucet http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0327-1.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0326.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0334-1.jpg After Backsplash http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMAG0345.jpg
  15. Nice pickup! Want to shoot. Looks super clean.
  16. If you vote based on race you're a moron. If you don't know how to appeal to your particular group of morons you won't win many elections.
  17. Congrats on the new addiction.
  18. Jeeeez, that's a morning you won't forget for awhile.
  19. sol740

    Kony 2012

    The monkeysphere ... it knows all, its sees all.
  20. sol740

    Israel and Iran

    Ya know the US has been known to drop a bomb or two.
  21. sol740

    Israel and Iran

    Speaking of visiting places you shouldn't, my older brother attended college in Israel to learn Jesus 101 or something, said it was awesome and humbling, but nerve-racking as well.
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