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Everything posted by sol740

  1. HAHA! I've tried to get pics of folks cars stopped at lights and whatnot and often they see me doing it. I've always wondered if they are thinking that I am admiring it, or if they know it's for LULZ.
  2. That is so awful I just forgot all that was good about automobiles and now I drive a Kia.
  3. I would challenge anyone to define "passive scanning" in a way that doesn't also imply a search without consent or probable cause. Since carrying with a permit is a lawful act(we shouldn't need a permit to exercise a right, but that's another conversation), and the police exist to enforce the law, if I am not breaking the law, then you have no business asking me anything, and doubly no business "passively scanning" me as I go about my day. I respect that you choose not to exercise your right, but my rebuttal to your hypothetical anecdote is this. If you are "forced" to use your firearm to defend yourself as described, you are in danger of losing your life, or you are improperly using your firearm. It is also entirely possible another person would become aware of said life-endangering situation, and without prior knowledge mistakenly confuse you as the aggressor/attacker and injure/kill you. What I propose is that an order of operations need be applied to the threat(s). Now if the person/persons originally attacking you are in fact threatening your very existence, it would seem folly to prioritize the possibility of being mistakenly shot or killed over the much more palpable threat of the person right in front of you, attacking/robbing you. If you are more worried about a passerby becoming aggressive towards you, then the person directly acosting you, then you were not in the type of situation that requires deadly force in the first place.
  4. If it's not a search, I would ask what one would call it, and how is "it", as an action, defined? Sure, an improperly carried gun can kill people. So can an improperly driven car. Difference is, one is a right given by the constitution. Scanning specifically for firearms, then being questioned(harassed), held-up(detained) implies criminality.
  5. I agree somewhat, however you do have a right against unlawful searches. Which this should be considered.
  6. Or something with swappable grips like a Bersa Thunder 380. I've seen them with pink grips.
  7. Politicians are starting to back away from SOPA slowly, hands in the air, do to the backlash.
  8. I'm gonna turn the vtak loose, and I'm afraid.
  9. Haha, my junk is falling apart, won't take a race.
  10. I always have it on me and have just gotten use to it. I've kicked around the idea of a mounted holster/box for the DD, but never actually delved into it.
  11. No doubt, that final 5 minutes or so was incredible. Also Defense.
  12. Satire is often misread. See Starship Troopers.
  13. "Oh father, why hast thou forsaken me ... during the playoffs ..." - Timmy Tebow Then the earth went dark and the skies opened a great mouth, and a booming voice decreed, "I love thee Little Timmy Tebow, but give a shit about football, I do not. Please twitter-ist to city of Denver." Then the Lord departeth wisdom upon Timmys adversary, sayeth He, "Good game Tom", and the sky closed, and the stadium emptieth. Steadfast, Timmy remained on the field of play, kneeleth on one knee, fist closed towards his face, and in his weakness Satan tempted him. "Lucy Pinder".
  14. Any joke I can make has been made. I will let low hanging fruit hang.
  15. Shhhhhh, you want it because it shoots a giant bullet at high velocity. Velocity>Looks, also don't put any vinyl stickers on the frame.
  16. I've shot my cousins DE, and his Raging Bull 454, and I personally fail to see the draw of big caliber handguns. However I would hardly call them ricer guns, especially if someone is holding one at the time.
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