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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. I don't dislike them, Im just more use to seeing wood checkered grip on 1911's. They actually fit and feel good and that is what matters.
  2. Z06-Amsoil Euro 5w40/Napa Gold . I might change to German Castrol next time. 2500hd with the 8.1 gas I use 10-40 summer and 5-30 winter just plain old conventional oil valveline/what ever wally as on sale. altima with 230k miles usually just 5-30 conventional and it does not use a drop between changes.
  3. where have you been hiding ?
  4. Yep I have had a few and sold a few in the past and realized I just can not live with out one, a 1911 that is. Have you shot that show piece 30 30 ?
  5. No its a 4 inch. This is springfields equivalent to the cold commander that is a 4 1/4 barrel.
  6. Springfield Armory 1911 Champion,its an older model that had a wilson hammer and a extended thumb safety,factory beavertail grip safety. This one has the bushing barrel unlike the new ones with the bull barrel. Its tight and has a great fit and finish. Not many rounds thru this one.I never really liked two tone guns but this one really cought my eye and had some of the upgrades I would want to do to a 1911. I might change the sights to some novaks and replace the grips but for now it will do. Cant wait to shoot it. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1385.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1384.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1382.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1418-2.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/000_1417-1.jpg
  7. Those Z06's are ok cars. Welcome
  8. welcome aboard, GTO looks nice. What kind of wheels are those in the first pic. They look familiar.
  9. What is best for removing water spot deposits on a black car, vette if it matters. I have some very small ones that seem to come off a little with waxing but still have a few left.
  10. Seafood FTW . Jumbo Shrimp/ Scalllops/Fries Clams/Cole Slaw/Fries and a good beer to wash it down. T Bone steak comes in second.
  11. not happening.......... Im sure there is a you tube video out their somewhere.
  12. Mine is effecting my teeth and gums,some ear pain/very little but it is their. I did the neti yesterday twice,slept 3 hours last night the teeth and gum pain was crazy. Today I was busy running estimates and talking to customers so was not able to do the neti. My dentist just now gave me some anitbotics. I took one a few minutes ago and I found some percocets in the cabinet and took one of those. I need sleep tonight or I will be one SOB. Its funny this just started after I went to the dentist for a check up and cleaning. I was told I had 3 cavities that needed filled 2 new and one redo on an excisting. I find it really weird that this is coming on because of a bad cavity right after the dentist visit and I had no pain before. Cmon percs kick in. Im rinsing with seagrams VO since I have no anbesol for teeth pain. If its not better tomorrow I will go back to the dentist and go from their. I actually had an appointment tomorrow to get my filling taken care of and cancelled because of this. Dam Im just rambling on here because it gets my mind off of thinking about it and does not make any sense.
  13. I just got thru using the neti pot with the solution stuff that comes with it. It seem to open me up a little. Im going to use it again before I go to bed and will see what I feel like later. Thanks for all the info everyone.
  14. I opted for the neti pot, Im a sissy.
  15. Neti Pots or the nose buster. Neti Pot sounds like it would be better. Weird I have not been home from my florida trip for only two weeks and the headaches and sinus's act up.
  16. sinus buster sounds like it would do the job. Maybe I should man up and try it. Wife said she would go out and buy some right now,lol. Willing to try the Orange Alkaseltzer also.
  17. sinus surgery does not sound like much fun. How were you diagnosed and what were your symptons ? Just curious.
  18. Well I guess Im not alone on this. I just took 3 ibuprofens 600mg total. I took that dosage at around 3:00 am last night and it did help.
  19. Anyone here ever dealt with one. My gums/teeth are sore and I have pressure on the one side of my nose. My gums kind of feel like Im coming off of a shot of novocaine. I just came from the dentist and do have a couple new cavities ,the next day it all started. Dentist told me in the past it was my sinus acting up and not draining properly. He gave me anibiotics at that time and it finally went away. This really hurts your sleeping schedual and will turn you into a real ass. Ask my wife.
  20. I might give it trie,lol.
  21. Like said it was the first thing I did to my 02Z. Mine had the skip shift done already but the column lock was not and no way I wanted to get stranded in a dark parking lot. You could get lucky with out it and never have a problem but why risk it.
  22. We have two nissan altima's in the family. Both 99's. I have one in the garage right now it was the top of the line model with leather,sport wheels,all options you could get at the time. We are the original owner it now has 235,000 miles and it still runs like new with no rust. Still has the original starter and alternator. Uses no oil and no leaks. Also have a 99 with 130,000 miles looks and runs great. This is just my experiences with nissan cant say all of them are this good but the older altimas have been good daily drivers and winter cars for us.
  23. I dont usually talk about my flappers but I have put a few of these on before this same type actually I just installed on a toilet yesterday at my moms house because it was always running. I believe it seals on the flat part and the cone just helps it fall into place. These are usually universal fit. Also the one I used was the same as yours but mine had a float on it that gave me a little trouble untill i got it adjusted correctly.
  24. No Prep + Cold + HP Cars = CRAZY STUPID but cheap entertainment to watch
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