If you have an air compressor you are in business. It works great for small parts. I bought it at American Freight and it works good. I can't remember what I paid for this. So if $40 is to much let me know. I only used it a couple of times.
Anyone need a good engine hoist and engine stand ? They were used one time only. You can have both for 100.00. The sandblaster is a small portable used twice. 40.00. Located in Marysville.
By no means am I a die hard liberal . Iam much more of a conservative, but then again that was not the question. Bush bashing ? If you want to call it that that is fine with me,LOL. Please answer my question . Our we better off now . If you answer that question correctly your question to me is answered.
I must be bored.I have the day off.Well, for starters, he did not start a war based on misinformation. That has been going on for how long now ? (Where exactly are those WMDs?). Secondly, he didn't let gas prices get sky high like they are today. I guess if you do not have to pay for it why worry about it ! Thirdly, unemployment was extremely low. Fourthly, our economy had an incredible boom that was quickly destroyed during the first few Bush years ,etc etc etc. Our we better off now ????? You tell me. I don't think so.
I have a pair of 2001 WS6 rims with tires. The rims have some curb rash and the tires are good enough to use for a while.I am selling them cheap 75.00 for the pair. PM me if interested.I also have stock manifolds and Y pipe,front shocks/springs,rear springs.
This snow blower is almost brand new.It is about 5 years old and used maybe 2-3 times.Looks like it was used once.Always kept inside.
Craftsman 8.5hp
electric start
26-27 inch cleaning path
I believe this is over 700.00 new cost.Asking price 400.00
I still have my custom .45 Springfield Armory A1 full size,3 dot fixed sights,after market - trigger job,hammer job ,extended slide stop,extended thumb safety ,grips,guide rod,Black satin finish. 525.00
PM me if you want more info and pics.
Did anyone go today.I ended up replacing my front rotors and pads. The drivers side capliper pins were frozen to the brackets so it took a lot longer to do. The last time I made a hard stop at over 100 I had a bad vibration.Not now.What is going on next weekend ?
I have some pics just have to get them loaded.It was used by my dad light duty commercial.Its an older model that is very good shape.Newer belts,tires,and a brand new 12.5 kaw.
Original miles I cant remember with out looking lets just enough or plenty but the engine that is in it now is a new napa long block with I would say less then 50,000.The tranny shifts nice and firm,drives a nice straight line no bad pulling when going down the road,brakes and exhaust are good.All guages and lights work.Hey for 1500 it would be hard to beat.Also the 4x4 works fine also.
I have pics loaded at photobucket,not sure how to get them here.Anyone ???? see if this works
It has the extra heavy duty package on it what ever that is.Maybe a 1 ton suspension.I used it to tow a tandem axle 16ft lawn care trailer with 3 commercial mowers on it everyday.