I have owned it since new.It is a full size heavy duty 3/4 ton with a newer long block replacement 350,auto trans turbo 400,new rear end.Looks decent some rust at the lower cab corners and bottom of doors.Original black paint.It can be used every day if you want.Also has a resse type hitch set up.
$ 1,500 firm
yes it has the 3 dot fixed sights,after market - trigger job,hammer,extended slide stop,thumb safety ,guide rod,Black satin finish probably something else if I think hard enough. Will try to post pics here.
Will send pics to any interested.I would like to get 550.00 but will listen to an offer . This is not a off the shelf custom job it is a one of a kind and shoots great , full size also. I might trade for a glock and cash.
My parents need a new floor put in there kitchen.They have linoleum right now that needs taken up and something new installed. Maybe pergo or similiar.I can help.Let me know if you need work.My dad is going thru a rough time right now and I would realy like to have this done for him.
The size is
Its in decent shape.Fine for a garage or basement.
It is an upright so its not a deep freezer.Still know one has set a date with me to pick it up.Iam off to work .This is getting to be like my second job.I was not going post my # but here it is 614 507 9507 freezer hotline.
I did my own myself.I pulled the old cast iron out and replaced it with a plastic/fiberglass one and installed a 3 piece wall liner.Do what you can yourself and find a local handyman to do the rest.I have never been satisfied with the quality of others work.
Kick him twice for me . It was not to bad of a drive home for me just very light sprinkles of rain . MT drag radials and t tops out + rain = disaster. Never again will I leave my tops at home.I should have known better Nice meeting some more CR members/crowd.
Here you go Casey,http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1983-WHITE-CHEVY-CHEVETTE-YES-ITS-A-CHEVETTE_W0QQitemZ230145057978QQihZ013QQcategoryZ6173QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem