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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. If anyone here does want this PM me. The first one to PM will get it. If not I will just take it to goodwill towards the end of the week.
  2. I was going to take it to goodwill . It works fine,no cd or album player. Its a Yamaha. Good for a garage or outside pool area,etc. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_1810.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_1811.jpg
  3. Weather look nasty to the south of me or I would go. Thundering and raining at my home right now.
  4. Not to shabby.I like the front end.What kind of power do they come with and how much is that sticker price ? Not enough power and to much $ I'm sure.
  5. Name the place and I'm their.
  6. I use to go when I had my old muscle cars like 70 SS chevelles and 56 chevys. Since I moved up to more modern muscle I dont have the interest anymore. I kind of miss the old car scene. I would like to find another 65 chevelle ss I miss that car. Its a good place to buy a car also.
  7. and multiple personality schizophrenics.
  8. BrianZ06


    Welcome and dont leave so soon the fun as just begun. Its cool here I remember when I just started posting and I was like WTF. Phil I feel left out. I know a little bit about LS1's.
  9. Nice pics. I had a good time. I wish we could have got some better close ups of that lawn mower though that would have really set it it all off,LOL. I have a nice new football here also I believe it is yours Brian.
  10. Bring your blanket and pillow then
  11. Your more then welcome to stop over. I'm just inviting anyone here over to shoot the bull ,hang out for a while and have a hamburger or hotdog on me.
  12. Just want to clarify things for this cookout. I am not having anyone crash over, so bring a driver. I am not supplying booze and if your not of age to drink, no drinky on my property. Not trying to be an ass, just keeping it real. If your of age and want to bring a beverage of your choice, be my guest. These are my simple rules, if you do not like it you know what you can do with it
  13. Sounds good,bring some chairs. I dont think it will be as hot saturday. These 90 plus degree days with high humidity is killing me/us. I have 17 yards left to cut to finish off the week. Thats pushing it a little for one day.
  14. I like Beer My fridge is stocked with Killian's. Having one right now actually
  15. Ok here goes.I live just down the road from Roby's. I planned on going to the show but I might have to work in the morning . Depends on how much work I get done Friday. Anyway I'm going to have a cookout after the show hotdogs,burgers,etc.Time would be around 4-4:30 earlier or later does not matter to me when you want to come over. If I have to work I will be home around 1:00 but wont fire up the grill until around 4:00. Everyone here is welcome . I have plenty of parking space. I thought this would be a good time to sit around relax and BS with other car guys here. Please PM me and I will provide directions and more details.
  16. I'm going to try to make it also. It was hot last year on that blacktop. Maybe this year we could get the back area along the 33 exit I think there is shade trees back their. If not I can take the heat . I work in it everyday but shade would be a plus. Also no rain please.
  17. Meguiars Quik Detailer mist & wipe. I'm addicted to it.
  18. I have been seriously thinking about that. Would you want to give me a price/est. You can pm me if you like. I just tried calling you.Thanks.
  19. Are there any construction workers on this site who need some extra work ? I have a pole barn that needs some new siding installed. I have T1-11 right now that is in bad shape. Thinking about using the same stuff unless there is something better out there.I think about 30 sheets will do it. The barn only has 10 foot tall sides. Location- Marysville.
  20. If no one here needs this I will put it on the LS1 Tech site. Just thought I would post it here first.
  21. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_1800.jpg
  22. Very little use.Works like new. 50.00 http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_1799.jpg
  23. This came off my 01 WS6 with 20,000 miles. Its looks almost new. 50.00 http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_1799.jpg
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