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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. Go cheap. How about an old S-10 pick up with a 454,60 over ,high compression dome pistons,big solid cam,single plane high rise intake ,big holley carb and nice shot of nos- optional, 400 turbo,rear end ? These parts are easy to get out there.
  2. Sounds like a good plan.Maybe we can promote this another time and date it down the road a little to get the word out.
  3. I was hoping to see a better response also . So what else is going on ?
  4. You get billed and then you can make a deal with them to reduce it down and they can reduce it a lot if they want.Then you can make payments or pay it off.
  5. I like to play also. I play on poketstars but it seems to be unreal most of the time.Not played in a while.
  6. Just wanted to say thanks for taking the pics they look great .
  7. BrianZ06

    Roll racing

    um never thought of that,lol.Actually I totaly agree.
  8. BrianZ06

    Roll racing

    I would rather do a 0-100 then a 40 to whatever this shows what you and your car is made of.My 2 cents worth on the subject.
  9. I am going to try to make it out also 6p - 9p now thats the best time to for a car show anymore of those robys show might just do me in, and afterwards for a cruise to QS&L sounds good.
  10. This one gets my vote also.
  11. Agree this a personal subject but sometimes if you are going thru a rough time you want to talk to someone you dont even know if that makes any sense.Been there and have taking meds.Drinking will make it worse and meds are a temporary fix.I have had anxiety attacks before no fun for sure.My problem is I worry to much but I know why I worry and just deal with it one day at a time.Not alone man.
  12. Me , I live in Marysville . Funny I am going to drive by Robys so I can meet up with everyone to be able to drive in as a group. Thats ok though I love putting miles on this car. Which Kroger and what time do you meet ? Dublin or Avery/33 rd.
  13. PM me if you want a nice custom 45 auto.
  14. When I had my 56 chevy pro street car it had a 4.56 powertrax in a narrowed 9 inch.No problems but the 4.56 was to much for the street.
  15. BrianZ06

    tonight 6/1/07

    Can I go to the secret spot ? lol
  16. Nice times Ray.Street tires to boot.I want to get some weld 15x10 and the MT 275 50 15 set up but not sure if I want to grind the calipers down. .Who here has done the caliper grinding thing and had no problems so far.
  17. What has your 60ft been with the MT drag radials Brian or should I say showtime,LOL.
  18. This reminds me of one of my customers who owns a austin martin DB7 and a V-12 AMG but he is a cool guy none the less and one of my vip customers.I actually think he does have some fun with them.
  19. Now thats what I wanted to hear ,thanks.Mine is -2 also, and I know you have more power then me so I will just play with what I have for now.
  20. Hey good idea ! but I was just wanting to get some feedback from others to see what they have and to see if anyone has broken parts from not having one.BMR say I am good till I start running 10.99 times ? I just installed QA1's , upgraded my rear sway bar and installed lower control arm relocation brackets . This most likley will be my next upgrade unless I hear from others that do not have one.
  21. I have the BMR chrome moly adjustable torque arm mounted to the tranny tail housing right now and should I be worried about anything breaking after I get my drag radials on and get better traction. Who has what here.
  22. Good post Brian even though I have only been out once to meet up with some of you I have been to many many car shows and meets and seen some crazy shit out there.# 5 I am paranoid about maybe its just me when I was out last time a mustang pulled in beside me and it attracted a bunch and it looked like my car was going to be a leaning bench for them and I did move that time and ask one of them not to lean on my car he said he was not but dam it sure looked like it.# 13 all us trans am owners could use these cars are a real pain to back up.I can back my work truck and trailer better then my car.
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