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Everything posted by atomicfusion1647545515

  1. Bah, I'll be out of town or I'd be down, maybe next time. I may be down there Sunday riding.
  2. That's going to leave a mark ^^^
  3. I fly in that night late, not sure I could make it in time... Only option would be if the car was there when I got in.
  4. you might call Tommy at IPS, he said something about selling his. I think it went 11's at one time.
  5. What I do is this... 1st I always try to stage first... that gives me a bit more time, 2nd I stage on the 1st light start building boost (just a little) then bump the Transbrake into the 2nd light. The other option is just stage and nail the 2 step
  6. my stock camaro was down 3-4mph there... that track is slower.. my vette was always 5-7mph slower there too.
  7. American express... Don't leave home without it!
  8. There is a place out on 62 that sells used ones... I got mine there. Nice one was very reasonable. Don't pay sticker though, negotiate!
  9. Wow! Glad you guys are ok... hope all turns out well.
  10. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1827792311.html Not exactly sure what they mean by "Benifits" but that can't be bad
  11. The true street events I have been to don't allow you to even pop the hood after the cruise... only adjust tire pressure. We built my car to do a cruise then 3 back to back passes (hot laps). I should be down for an event like this.
  12. On Mill run there is an Abandoned K Mart... would be Hilliard police. Not sure if that would be usable or not, but the lot is HUGE.
  13. I want to take my son out riding dirt bikes tomorrow... I don't have a permit for WNF yet, so where can we go? He is 10, we both have bikes and I would like to ride on some easier stuff (he hasn't ever been anywhere but the yard or a field) Thanks in advance for any advice.
  14. Last night was fun! Nice to come home with some extra pocket money
  15. I'm thinking of getting an enclosed trailer for my car... and I think it would be cool to vinyl wrap it. I have some ideas on the wrap, but don't know anyone that does it. So if you do it or know a good company that does, drop me a line. Thanks Oh, btw it would be a 24' enclosed trailer that I would want wrapped.
  16. I have no power in the decision making... meerly making a suggestion.
  17. even if it isn't for money you should run a quick 8 or something and crown a king of ohio. There are some fast mothers out there, Jamie's supra, some of the cleveland guys have fast rides, my car, matt's truck, ray's car... Would be cool to run a fastest of the fast competition (I think Jamie's supra pretty much has it but will still be fun to find out) just make it a run what you brung kinda thing.
  18. they were like being on Ice for me... your car is a monster and I think they will be slippery at best. The new ones Linn was talking about are supposed to be really good though, if they make a size you can use. I have heard a lot of Corvette guys saying they are using the new ones with success.
  19. 2nd one... My forgelines chipped pretty easy (Black chrome finish) so just don't get that.
  20. Been there, done that... enjoy having the bike. I got my R1 so I could have some fun while the car is down. Been fun so far, just be careful and don't be stupid on the bike.
  21. wanted a bike that can corner too.... and wanted a new bike.
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