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Everything posted by atomicfusion1647545515

  1. looks like we may cap buy ins at 200 this time... and then allow rebuy's
  2. I have a game going tonight with 7-8 players would like to see 9-10. 1 2 no limit buy ins are pretty much open. Figure most will buy in 100-300 and rebuy later if wanted, We are playing tonight at 8:30
  3. Yeah I want to get a regular game set up, but it is hard to do that...
  4. One spot just opened up for tonight if anyone is interested.
  5. Who here would have interest in a Texas Hold-em game? 1 / 2 no limit game with open buy ins and no rake? Fun friendly game.
  6. The guys at IPS are putting some finishing touches on my Z so that I can come play for the test and tune portion of this event. Not an import so I cannot compete, but was fun last year. Hope the weather holds out!
  7. Gratz on the runs! 8's should be right around the corner!
  8. Let me add to that... ZR1= $122k I'll bet you that $122k that I can take half of it ($61k) and start with the stock C6 of my choice and beat a ZR1 in both a straight line and a road race track. Same driver both cars.
  9. There is a ZR1 available for sale at Couglin right now....
  10. Was just over at Ray's the other night dropping off the replacement barrel for the fuel he loaned me. Car is looking good! That monster will be well over 1krwhp when done. Some cool ideas on the way he did some stuff too. Good luck with it Ray. BTW I confirmed from Stew today that the black and white barrel is higher octane rating than the blue and oranges ones... It should make more power too!
  11. Isn't King of Columbus the same day? If so, I'd bet they prep pretty well for that event. I plan on attending this event, well both, the CR day and King of Columbus. Even though I am nowhere near fast enough for King of Columbus. Should be a good time.
  12. was going 9.2x but tune was off so MPH was down. At Joliet now went 9.15@152 so far but still missing MPH.
  13. what a combination... fox body and an LSX turbo!
  14. Yeah I saw you and a lexus running together. Gratz on the new ride!
  15. Heading up there! Should be a good time. Hopefully we will have a better showing than in Indiana. Rain sucks!
  16. Yeah I guess the thing can run 7's when it isn't on the bumper.
  17. Well, I am here... skinnies are on and I am hoping the weather is what we need for an 8 second pass. More to come....
  18. I appear to be going by myself this weekend. I have room in the RV for more. If you were planning on going but need a place to crash, hit me up and I will let you know if I still have room. I have skinnies coming in tomorrow and new rears. Should be a good weekend!
  19. Never raced at Goodguys... is it a show only or a race too?
  20. Anyone else going? It is at O'reily in Indianpolis. I plan on leaving Thursday night and will be camping at the track Friday and Saturday leaving Sunday.
  21. Thanks again for the fuel Ray.... Comming soon to a track near you...
  22. rode the Harley around today... just didn't go up there... looks like my TPS Sensor went bad and is telling the car I am at WOT the whole time. I'll have to fix that before next weekend
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