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Everything posted by Farley

  1. Farley

    First Post

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=XBDrCN8A93E&feature=related ... problem solved. Welcome to the site
  2. Farley

    Fuck Insurance

    no i swear.. i was cruising at what i thought was 70....apparently the speedo is a little slo on that car... but that was like after other tickets.. so no mercy i guess
  3. Farley

    Fuck Insurance

    hahaha its a concord... the fastest i had that thing was like 90.. myb 95.. IF that
  4. Farley

    Fuck Insurance

    nahh like 2 12 point vios....10 points currently.. and a damn good lawyer to keep your license. .... i do both.. thanx
  5. Farley

    Fuck Insurance

    lol oddly enough i only have 2 reckless ops and 1 streetracing..... my highest speeding ticket was for 77 in a 60...that was last summer.. and i got screwed.. because the cop cars are all blacked out.....and he was hiding infront of a bridge. my most bs ticket was gng back to school... 130 in the morning.. on route 11 headed south out by jefferson... there is no one.. i mean no one on that road ever...and i am in a frikking 95 chrysler concord.. and some state boy decide 72 in a 65 is a good reason to pull me over and see if i am drunk....
  6. car.....but if your gng to bite it id rather do it on a bike.... its quicker
  7. Farley


    .... about three days ago i quit smoking.... but i used to smoke any cigs... preferably newports or marboro smooths... i loved hookahs. but i quit.... and now i drink more... i figure its a good combo.. my liver should out last my lungs for abuse.
  8. Farley

    Fuck Insurance

    the state of ohio is a push over when it comes to points.... we have one of the most feared state patrols of all the states.. yet the weakest back bone for punishing speeders.... your only really screwed if you have a dui on you license. since like two weeks after my 17 birthday... i ahve been in a court room at least once a month fighting a ticket....but when your insurance looks on your record and sees one like mine.. then tend to hate you... most of the time i call for possible options or a statement for another car...they either laugh before they give me the number or tell me i am un-insurable. it sux.....dont do it.... i am gng to try and go a full year without a ticket.. so far i am lucky.
  9. Farley

    Fuck Insurance

    ... i am assuming your 6-700 a month was for full coverage.... try 1000 down and minimum of 550 a month ...for liability... ive bene paying that since i turned 17... that sux
  10. Farley

    Classical Rap?

    how is that classical rap?
  11. screw the weapon.... quietly out flank him.. and level him and beat the piss out of him till the cops come.... then jsut say u confronted him... he hit u first.... hes gng to be looked on as guilty n e ways. hes was breaking into you fucking car./
  12. some of us get off work at 9... then ahve an hour drive out.. then another 40 min trying to find everyone... it become quite hectic
  13. shouldve put a stipulation into this......most of the time i end up out late... I am sure somone probibly races somone.... but apparently i just end up with the wrong group.
  14. talk shit. everytime ive been out there... it has ended up being a waste of gas.
  15. slow stang owner gets plate.... plates urks people.... people talk shit.... shit talking gets deep...people get put in there place....people talk more shit they cant back up.... thread slowly disapates into a long history of shit talking threads where nothing happens...
  16. wheres the rant and rave section?
  17. its an si with like 15 mor hp suspension rims and a useless kit.. wooo
  18. if u think bmbw is sweet... u dont get out much..
  19. 1> me 2> career 3> family after that its 90% fun and less than 10% to the gf
  20. lol ill be damned... didnt think the r/c car could move that fast... at least without a trip to Colorado for those nut cases to get there hands on it for a min.
  21. IT for the win..... J.E. Contracted Network Admins guaranteed 5 years minimum with the company at 58 dollars an hour....damn those old bastards who know there shit. only bitch is they get the pager style on call 24 if anything happens...gotta love the weekend lock downs for updates WOOOHOOO and i totally agree that there are alot of fuck heads who dont know there shit..at all. so for all the IT guys here what certs do you hold? jsut wondering whos done like CCNA,CCVP,MCSE
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