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Everything posted by Farley

  1. Farley

    Nitro rc

    i have quite a few. moslty serpents. 1/8th is where its at... but my 1/5th is currently in three peices due to a jackass in a 95 blazer not watching where he was backing up at our lot up hre a few nights ago.
  2. The world of rally took an incredible loss, not to mention the rest of the automotive world. My prayers go out to his family and all effected by this terrible loss.
  3. Farley

    Im a noobie

    miata with 300 whp? second gear wheelies?!?!?!?! my buddies obsessed with his damn r/c car. pretty sick though.
  4. no such thing... jsut be an asshole and have fun.
  5. how much u want for it... and u ahve to throw in a copy of the V ice cd.. jsut so i ahve a point to buy the car.
  6. Farley

    Fall Cruise!

    PFFFFFT gotta catch me first. and amy... i was not drunk... i was 7 shades of wasted few have seen.. buddies birthday party...277 dollar tab... cramming three people in a miata...and then waking up after 5 hours of sleep to go ride.... last night was a blast hahaha. but this cruise is gng to be family?
  7. i second this vote... only would like to say myb 100 miles.
  8. oh so true.... united states=fattest country in the world.
  9. Farley

    Fall Cruise!

    curves and hills? might bring the bike if thats the case.....
  10. Nice. think ive seen this one a time or two over by steak and shake.
  11. is it auto or stick? and u said u were looking for a trade sports cars? !?!?!?!? and how long would the builder need approx to redo it? and any interrior pics?
  12. to bad they improved on the mustang... i dont see how it could get worse..
  13. how about this? seems effective... lol http://cse.unl.edu/~bkell/ricer.jpg
  14. that def describes it to a T ... 5 grand to make that? didnt his signature quote i believe thorne... "if making a 700 wheel horse power for that cheap was that easy everyone would have three of them!' the man is good at what he does.... mad props
  15. ....browns suck.....end of story... anyone whos says that will be relentlessly bashed for no other apparent reason than i am a fan.... steelers will finnish better than the browns but who cares? there fucking retards in Pittsburgh.. i know i lived there for three years.
  16. Farley

    Built Ford Tough

    pfft wish i could dude.... the tow truck driver flipped the fuck out when i started to line up for pics.... so no photos.... but a damn good story... ill be down tues and weds night if ur around lol. RWD > AWD in the rain......lol
  17. viva la colt. thanx to this guy u cant drive around cleveland without having to second guess the colt your riding next to weather itll whoop your ass or its still the little shit box it started out as. nice job on the half breed. sounds like it will be more BA than the colt. good luck dude.
  18. Farley

    Built Ford Tough

    hah... second photo from the bottom looks like my buddies wrx after he put it into a wall last night at about 70.
  19. it takes u three hours to drive to pittsburgh from cbus? ..... wow... lol the hibbilly cops from cbus to pittsburgh dont do shit.
  20. Farley

    We Want Chat?

    i vote for it.. id rather use IRC but thats jsut me.
  21. .... Ba is garbage.. if your looking for high quality sound go with diamond or JL, kicker components are solid also. and with those youll probibly like drop 250-300 on the amp. like 600 bucks gets u a top notch setup. 300 bucks has u pretty loud with decent quality.
  22. pfft how the hell is it not her fault? wow thats messed up
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