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Everything posted by 3.1cutlass

  1. Anybody have input on the Acer Iconia? seems pretty sweet from a specs standpoint.
  2. Others stupidity and ignorance does not make us all a nuisance. I know and follow the laws. I am not trying to get killed. Anytime I have had a problem it was because the car driver was the one breaking the law. I have seen many cyclists break the law on our rides and I make sure to point it out to them. Just another classic case where a few bad eggs make the whole batch look bad.
  3. I will ride any road I please within reason, hit me, please, the lawsuit would be fun.
  4. I personally don't like the hose, causes more problems. Get the cheapest bottle or furniture polish you can and use that to clean the frame, rims etc. As for the chain just lube it, I never clean my chains and have never had any negative effects.
  5. 3.1cutlass

    Flame war

    Can we get a poll of most hated newb? Winner (loser) gets banned?
  6. 3.1cutlass

    Flame war

    This shit gets really old really fast. Can't we just permaban all the retards for the sake of the forum?
  7. http://i55.tinypic.com/2rz49k7.jpg
  8. It's all personal preference, I like to spin a high rpm so I use the small gear a lot. A compact double is the way to go for sure. I love mine.
  9. http://your-free-pictures.net/verticals/20.jpg http://your-free-pictures.net/verticals/15.jpg http://your-free-pictures.net/verticals/24.jpg http://your-free-pictures.net/verticals/28.jpg http://your-free-pictures.net/verticals/33.jpg
  10. Looked better before. Now it just looks like a beat dick pos.
  11. Took 3rd at the OMBC race at Lake Hope. Muddiest race of my life! Managed to average 9.1mph despite the terrible conditions.
  12. http://uberhumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Untitled-1256.png
  13. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lna3g1Pli91qfokxro1_500.png http://i2.imageban.ru/out/2011/06/23/ba5c1367b3c27d0185274d549937c7d7.jpg
  14. :fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah: :gabe: Oh and congrats btw.
  15. IIRC castle rule only applies within the confines of your home, not your yard.
  16. Thats incredibly retarded that people owning a dog that is "mean" have to deal with this. ANY dog can kill if trained to but pits get a bad rep because they are the ones generally trained to kill and fight. I could train a fucking poodle to bite people...
  17. That's why I am surprised to hear it so soon.
  18. Thats a toxicology report to me...
  19. I have trouble believing this because earlier reports said the toxicology report would take 4-6 weeks.
  20. No problem. Not to push you away but I realize my shop is a bit of a drive for you, any shop should be able to get you a similar price as long as they are participating in the sale.
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