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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Haha yeah they were too good of deal to pass up. I sold my old wheels/slicks for enough to basically cover the cost of these ones. I do already have a 6262 I haven't really been messing with this car been busy with school. I plan on getting back to work on it in the next few weeks though. This is going to be the first year I have owned the car that I have no real rush on getting it done. I simply don't care if it gets done tomorrow or a year from now, just a new mentality I have acquired recently haha. Good luck with your car as well, been lurking on your thread too
  2. Thanks for all the input, I think we are going to stick to northen Cali this trip. San Fran looks like it has a ton to offer, I think we are gonna catch a Giants game while we're there (might as well). Yosimite and Lake Tahoe look awesome, we are really into outdoors and site seeing.
  3. This is what the NFL wanted last year!
  4. It must've been in the football thread, but I remember telling people that Ohio St had no other scorers besides Thomas and got blasted by people telling me how wrong I was lmfao.
  5. Car was found, apparently the thieves are now sending her emails taunting and telling her that her GTR is next. Not so sure I really buy that, if its true they have to be the dumbest thieves yet http://www.yellowbullet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=542395
  6. I know Verizon lets you block numbers for 90 days, we just blocked some unwanted family members numbers last week lol
  7. Bwahaha thats all I am going to say. I feel I have nothing really left to contribute to this thread, enjoy 2013 fellas
  8. Ah fuck it, not even worth arguing with at this point You win lmfao!!
  9. Troy was a elite 11 quarterback, I wouldn't say he was a "reach". I believe his late offer was due in part to character issues while in highschool (he was kicked out of St. Ed). What OSU is doing right now is reaching, they have whiffed on 2 guys who they thought were theirs, now they are trying to offer as many WR's as possible in hopes that one of them picks OSU.
  10. What "so/so" guys did he take? 2002: Troy Smith (Won a Heisman) 2003: Darieus Hiley (4* CB who I don't think ever qualified) 2003: Donte Whitner (5* who is now playing on Sundays for the 49ers) 2004: Curtis Terry (started for OSU here and there) 2004: Ted Ginn Jr (5* CB who ended up being an explosive playmaking WR and also plays on Sundays) 2005: Freddie Lennix (4* LB who again didn't qualify) 2005: Jamario O'Neal (5* DB who didn't really pan out to everyones expectations) 2006: Ray Small (4* WR who was said to be more explosive than Ted Ginn but had character issues while here) 2006: Robert Rose (4/5* DE depending on service, who was an Army All American) 2007: Jermale Hines (4* DB who was a starter for OSU) 2008: Jermil Martin (2* FB who started for OSU) 2008: Shaq Rowell (3* DT who didn't qualify) 2009: Marcus Hall (4* OT who is now a starting Gaurd on current team) 2009: Johnathan Newsome (4* DE who I believe transfered out or left for medical reasons?) 2010: Christian Bryant (4* DB who is a starter on current team) 2011: Cardale Jones (3* QB this one may be your reach) 2012: Devin Bogard (4* DB who was the first to lose his rookie stripe from Urban Meyer) 2013: Christopher Worley (3* LB) 2014: Marcelys Jones (OT) Glenville is a pipeline in similar manner that Cass Tech up in Michigan is for scum. I wouldn't say any of the players offered from Glenville have been "reaches", some have been let downs, yes! Outside of Worley I don't think any of those guys listed above have been late offers (that I can remember), they were all given offers pretty early on. Hell I believe Worley has had an offer for some time now but was one of those "non commitable ones handed out by Urban supposedly. Glenville produces a lot of D1 talent each and every year, hell OSU has missed out on some of them, Aundrey Walker comes to mind (USC), Shayne Winn is another Glenville kid who went elsewhere and did well against OSU this past year (Indiana)
  11. The little one is sitting it out this trip, I think he is going on his own vacation to my moms in North Carolina that week lol. I will keep the restaurant's in mind though, thanks!
  12. Only when people come off as assholes to me, which has been happening more and more in this thread haha. I am usually one of the nicer guys you will meet in person lol. Oh well, no hard feelings towards anyone in this thread, even though you are all pricks hahaha I don't think this has anything to do with him being from Georgia lmfao. Ohio St has some scrub playing for them from Georgia right now named, Bradley Roby. Also didn't they just get another Georgia kid in Trey Johnson? Reaching folks, reaching!
  13. LJ, still don't think they are showing signs of desperation? "Kyrin Priester of Snellville (GA) is a 2013 wide receiver commit for North Carolina State. He confirmed that he had an offer from Ohio State last night. After talking with Priester, he said he will visit Clemson this upcoming weekend. He now has decided to visit Ohio State officially the following weekend. That visit would be the 25-27 of January. It is something to keep an eye on going forward. North Carolina State is getting pushed hard by Clemson and Ohio State. " Another guy no one on the Ohio St boards had really heard of, suddenly gets an offer late in the game. Let me guess, he would've gotten one anyways had it not been for the limited schollies...
  14. Yeah I had never heard about him until tonight and started reading some article. Apparently Izzo has been to every football game of his.
  15. Looks so damn good, I really want to do this to my car at some point this year. Guess I better start watching videos and lurking lol
  16. If he wasn't such a huge Tom Izzo fan I wouldn't have a hard time seeing him flip. I just think from what I have read that he will remain loyal to Izzo and stay at MSU.
  17. "Brandon Castel ‏ @ BCastOZone RT @ Bill_Kurelic Urban Meyer is going for a huge "flip." He has offered MSU WR commitment Drake Harris and stopped at his school today" From what I have just read, he is a 2 sports player and not likely to flip from MSU where he plans to play basketball as well.
  18. This +1, I visited the town days following the shooting and really don't think it was a conspiracy. Its just something to think about and some things that do bring up thoughtful points of interest. I know that the town wasn't prepared for all the donations that were heading their way. In 20mins of us being there, we loaded a truck for them, unloaded a truck full of mail carts, unloaded our truck, helped collect donations from random people walking up and as we left a Wal Mart semi pulled up. They had 3 people working in a building that the school uses, thats where all the donations were being collected. There was so much stuff that they were litterally putting stuff outside on giant tarps. No one in that town really spoke to us or even looked at us, not that we was expecting some sort of heroes welcoming. It was just a very numb feeling, thats the best way I can describe it. Everyone kept their heads down and just cried. The town really does look and feel like one you would see in a scary movie as I mentioned earlier. It has 4 hills that lead into the downtown which is about the size of Millersport, maybe downtown Granville, it's tiny! We visited the firehouse which is right in front of the school (did not actually see the school) to drop off a teddy bear that our local cub scouts sent with us to deliver to a firefighter who is in charge of the cub scouts there, he wasn't there. Aside from the fire fighter we spoke to while there, I believe we spoke to a total of 9 people while in Newtown Guy at gas station who told us how to get to the donation building 3 people at the donation center 4 cops 1 firefighter If its a hoax then a lot of people are in on it as there was 119 police departments involved in helping out. I do know this much, there was enough money collected December 14th to pay for all the funerals according to the city worker we helped. He was one of the 3 people working the collection center, they were so over worked and understaffed that it was insane. Everything we dropped off had to be inspected by bomb sniffing dogs. It was not something I ever want to expierence again, I can tell you that. As for being crazy because what you see on a video, I think those that brush it off as nothing are the ones who are really crazy and brainwashed. I am not saying any of that stuff in the video is true, but I can't sit here and tell you for certain that its not.
  19. I have a feeling Snodgrass won't end up at OSU honestly. Whats up with Lonnie Johnson? Kid was ready to commit a month ago, but have heard nothing since then.
  20. I wanna see Yosimite and San Fran. Outside of that I am pretty much open to anything. Death Valley even intrigues me but its a little out of the way, so might have to be something we see the next time we go out there
  21. I will look these places up on google lol. I have heard you can no longer drive you car through the giant trees out there? However I was watching California videos on youtube and they showed cars driving through them. Alcatrez looks awesome and isn't that expensive, $28 a person
  22. Me and the wife are going to Cali in May for a week and are looking for some ideas. There really is so much to see/do out there, we have compiled a list but don't want to over look anything. I know for sure we are going to spend a day in the Anaheim area and really want to check out Alcatrez (San Fran area). What other things should we look into doing/seeing while out there. We will have a rental car so driving really isn't that big of an issue.
  23. The most distrubing things I saw in that video were the father laughing and looking as if he was preparing himself for a role and the medical examiner who after watching it a few times seems sketchier and sketchier each time
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