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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. 9.91@152...I belive its in the video title lol.
  2. I had that same one. Toys in general suck these days as well as cartoons, I wouldn't want to be a kid today.
  3. Wow I have failed at keep this up to date haha. Car has ran 11.28@129 this year so far. Power is about to get turned up in the form of 30+psi and some c16 in the next 10 days Will come back to this after that happens with some dyno and track numbers.
  4. MMMM this crow taste amazing!! To brighten my spirits I leave you with this http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1174219/wadesugar_medium.gif
  5. Lol @ whichever troll got butthurt by my comments and left me negative feedback. Must've struck a nerve with the little fellas
  6. I like the idea of makin them do community service in a nursing home or even a senior citizens building. Make them adopt an elder and spend time with them daily until they learn respect
  7. I think more people should take the law into their own hands to be quite honest. I also believe public hangings should be brought back, might get people to stop being such fuck heads
  8. Nope, taking few weeks off to give the car a break. No sense in beating the shit out of it just to see a 10.99 when we are turning the boost up and adding race gas in less then 2 weeks, hell with 10.99, give me 10.49s and faster please!
  9. Those are the same fags who grow up to be internet trolls, hiding behind funny jabs and cheap shots just to hide their own self esteem issues. Shit like this really makes me wish I could be 17 again, I honestly watched this and thought of my grandma as she resembles the lady in the video. Its such a shame that we live in a society not only where people have no fear for reprecussion but also one where everyone can be a star by posting a video like this on youtube. The kid in the video saying he's not involved is a fucking lie, he's video taping it with hopes that it'll get laughs on the interwebz. I honesly wish assault wasn't a felony, I think then people would watch what the fuck they said and how they acted. A couple good pops in the mouth of these kids and the rest of them wouldn't dare speak bad to another person. As for the parents you're probablly right about them being the ones that bitch about schools, education and everything else. Rather then bitch about that shit, maybe they should worry about raising their kids with respect. Let my kid talk like that to someone and he'll quickly learn what an ass whooping is all about. Oh wait I forgot you cant look at your kid wrong without children services stepping in haha.
  10. ^^ That black and white one is bad ass! I might as well join the fun http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Puppies3-1.jpg OMG he's a killer: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/capone.jpg
  11. It looks really nice out there. My aunt just drove from Texas to Oregon and stopped along the way in Colorado, Utah, Idaho and I wanna say Wyoming. It all looked amazing really
  12. Its about fucking time! I actually did my final composition paper a few quarters back on this very subject. I learned that Pit Bulls scored better on a tempermant test then Golden Retrievers and Pits were used as war time propaganda, they had posters with a pitbull gaurding kittens standing off against a german shepard. The kittens were the American population, funny how they went from hero to vicious list... Any dog with a bad owner can be violent
  13. We're gonna fly out there, a road trip out west is going to happen later in life when our son is older and can enjoy it with us. My buddy actually went to Vegas earlier this year and took pics of the Pawn Stars store, the line to get in was around the building haha.
  14. We are always thinking ahead and planning our next trip and this time we wanna head out west. Right now he leader is Nevada as we can see Vegas, The Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam and Red Rock. However we are always open to other ideas, I know somewhere out west is where we want to go so tell me, what and where are the cool things to see out that way?
  15. After being in Texas for 5 days it was time for us to venture East and enjoy Florida. We flew into Sarasota which is the smallest airport I have flewn into. We met up with our friends who were hosting us fo the next 4 days and headed to their home in Port Charolette (bout 30mins from Sarasota). We ended up going to Siesta Keys to enjoy the beach and hands down this is the nicest one I have been to (i've beem to Daytona and Virginia Beach). The sand was like baby powder, soft and cool. The water was so clear that I was out in it up to my chest (6'6) and could see my feet. Honestly I could move there and be happy. We drove around Sarasota looking at the million dollar+ homes and admiring the fact that Bentleys and Maseratis were driven like Honda and Toyotas up here, they were everywhere. The night before leaving (Friday) we headed up to Tampa to attend a car meet. Let me tell you these boys do it right down there. The meet was at the University of South Florida and there was every bit of 300 cars there, nos energy as on hand passing out drinks, there was a live dj in the middle of the parking lot and even had judging going on for best cars in the crowd. Mind you this was a normal meet just like the ones up here at Sawmill, just much more organized and on a larger scale. The coolest cars I saw were probablly a couple LSX powered Supras. I need to find the pics from Florida so I can upload them on here. In the coming weeks/months we have several trips planned including stops in Maryland, Wisconsin, Alabama as well as many local places...stay tuned!
  16. Well its been forever since I updated this thread, life took hold and we sort of lost track of our weekly traveling. We did manage to make it to the Air Force Museum which was an awesome expierence. If you have never been there I highly suggest you do so. Our 2 year old (was only 1 1/2 at the time) kept saying "wow" and "see" at every airplane in sight. Our 5 and 6 year old niece and nephew had a good time as well and it was able to keep their attention or the 2hrs o so that we was there. If your heading from Columbus or towards Cbus you gotta stop in Springfield and eat at Rudy's BBQ. It is plain and simply put amazing! Back in March the wife and I decided to take our yearly vacation, this time without our son which was strange. We took 9 days and went to Texas and Florida. In Texas we flew into San Antonio and met up with my Aunt and Uncle. From there we spent the next 2 days visiting The Alamo, The Riverwalk and The Natural Bridge Caverns. I was not a big fan of San Antonio honestly, the people were not very friendly and just wasnt my kind of town. The Riverwalk was nice but crowded. It probablly doesnt help that we was there the week of St Patty's. We took a nice boat ride through the riverwalk and our tour guide was very knowledgable and quite funny. I highly suggest if you goto the Riverwalk, take the boat tour! San Antonio is also home to the worse zoo I have ever been to. The animals habitats were absolutely terrible, Jack Hannah needs to head south and help them out! The Alamo was interesting yet very bland. I think the coolest part about going there was being able to say "I have been to the Alamo". For free though, you can't really complain too much. One of the strangest sites we saw was a house made out of beer cans lol. The Natural Bridge Caverns was probablly the highlight of our Texas expierence. I had never been to an underground cavern before and it was nothing short of amazing. The natual beauty that was inside was remarkable. The best part of this was getting my uncle who is scared of heights and small spaces inside and actually enjoying his self. After leaving San Antonio we headed to Houston, along the way we noticed a lot of badass cars on the highway. After several minutes of talking about these cars and wondering what was going on it dawned on me that it was TXTK12 weekend, doh! We ended up at the Houston Aquarium and it was really nice. The people here were definitley friendlier then those in San Antonio. We didnt stay in Houston very long before heading to my aunts hometown of Lufkin, let me tell you, there is nothing to do in Lufkin Texas haha. We did manage to find another zoo while there that was actually quite nice. My wife is a huge animal fan so we tend to goto a lot of zoos and aquariums. The Alamo: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Texas%20%20Florida%202012/alamo.jpg Riverwalk: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Texas%20%20Florida%202012/432179_2920648545171_1529521642_32367658_309083410_n.jpg House of Beer: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Texas%20%20Florida%202012/394474_2936777668389_1529521642_32375532_1147589410_n.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Texas%20%20Florida%202012/409671_2936778588412_1529521642_32375533_365021277_n.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Texas%20%20Florida%202012/374522_2936779068424_1529521642_32375534_305182453_n.jpg Natural Bridge Caverns: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Texas%20%20Florida%202012/422490_2922460030457_1529521642_32368511_776724342_n.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Texas%20%20Florida%202012/427233_2936772748266_1529521642_32375520_671349986_n.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/Texas%20%20Florida%202012/426259_2922457710399_1529521642_32368509_425959801_n.jpg
  17. Its actually a seed that you are trying to remove from what I have read
  18. I had one on my index finger, I used some Meijer brand wart liquid remover and its been gone for about a year now
  19. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97194 Maybe you can find something to do from my travel adventures. I need to update that thread lol. I have a ton of things planned this year as well
  20. If I had this stuff on them. Whoever's doing the work has skills http://autos.yahoo.com/photos/dirty-car-art-slideshow/
  21. Very well could be, I was trying to give Trails some love damnit!! Congrats on new pb
  22. Was this a new PB? It seems like trails is getting faster honestly. I have went from 11.8 down to 11.2 this year out there by simply changing suspension and slicks.
  23. My mom just moved to West Jefferson NC and all they do is go hiking on the weekends. I dont think they have encountered anything too wild. I will ask her what part of NC they actually go to, I know they live in the mountains lol.
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