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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Hell yeah man!! I love biking as well, there is a bike path directly behind my gym with access to it via a gate. I may clear a path out this week and get back on my bike and enjoy the trail.
  2. The first couple weeks people see big losses due to shedding mainly water weight. Do not let that discourage you, but understand what is going on with your body. What we do at our gym is start everyone off with a day 1 picture and take measurements, on woman it's hips, thighs, waist, on me we do chest, bicep and waist. Progress fuels motivation and what better to show progress than measurements and pictures. I got caught up in weighing myself constantly, that's not a terrible thing but I know how off a scale can be. For instance the scale in my gym can be manipulated 17lbs depending on what part of the floor we have it on. Lastly, set small goals! A lot of people go into this with the mind set of, "I am going to lose 100lbs" and get a quarter of the way there before giving up. I did 10lbs goals, everytime I hit that, I set another 10lb goal.
  3. Yeah we're aware, not everyone will be attending good guys though.
  4. You can do it man! I started this journey of mine by paying $30 a session for a personal trainer, who is now my business partner haha. It wasn't because I couldn't lift a weight, it was because paying that much held me accountable. Cutting out sugars and carbs should help you shed the pounds. I know by sticking to a low carb, low sugar, high protein diet I was able to shed the weight and continue to do so. Right now I am at a comfortable point where I am able to enjoy food once again, but with portion control. I am getting ready to begin a bulking stage as I am tired of being the weakest one in our gym. My bench press has gone down 40lbs since day 1 and I am not having that anymore haha.
  5. So a little update for you guys (those that still care to read this thread). I am officially 70lbs lighter and feeling better than I have in years! For the first time since I was 15, I can actually see abs without trying to see them. My aunt took a picture from May of last year and put it next to one the wife and I took last night. It's insane how 70lbs of weight can change your looks. Hell my wife who is now pregnant with twins, looks even better than she did last year, she continues to workout with me while pregnant. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/11229542_10204838441910734_1010932202366935943_n_zps4psnfcnh.jpg
  6. Had this come across.my Facebook today and found it interesting. I thought the "street outlaws" have already raced a heavy hitting import, T1 GTR http://www.gofundme.com/ydc4swk
  7. I feel it goes 7 as well, it would be devastating to have the Cavs lose this series in Cleveland. I feel we're going to see Lebron chuck up 40-50 shots tomorrow night and try scoring just as many points. There is debate already, that even if the Cavs lose the series LBJ could and should win the finals MVP...
  8. I weighed in this morning at 244, that is a total loss of 65lbs so far. I entered a 6 week transformation challenge on bodybuilding.com that starts tomorrow. I just want to see how shredded I can get in 6 weeks really, I will post pics of that as it goes. I never thought, getting my fatass in shape would become an obsession, but here we are!
  9. You would disagree? I'll be here waiting on the "Jordan is the greatest of all time" replies that are sure to come my way haha. I was a huge Jordan fan when I was a kid, but lets be honest, the dude played on stacked teams, had one of the greatest coaches of all time, he had better win! Hell even without Jordan the Bulls made it to the eastern conference finals led by Pippen (top 50 greatest player of all time). Lebron is doing this with who again? ^^ Most of this was said by others haha The term GOAT is somewhat dumb honestly. I think greatest of a generation is a much better title to give a player. How can you say someone is the greatest of all time, when they only play 10-15 years? Do rings make them the greatest? Individual records? Because there are dudes with more rings than MJ and guys with more points but less rings than him (Karl Malone).
  10. If Lebron and the Cavs pull this off, most will have no choice but to announce him as the greatest of all time. Dude is going to average over 40 points per game (last done by Jordan in 93) and is going to win a ring with a bunch of dudes that no one knew of until the last 2 games. You look at every championship team in the NBA and they all had 2 if not 3 superstar players on their teams. The Cavs currently have Lebron, that's it. I don't care that they have Love and Irving on their bench in suit and ties, I care about the fact that LBJ and a little white dude are 2 games away from bringing a championship to Cleveland for the first time in 50 years. GS reminds me of the OSU team that lost to Florida in the NCAA tournament. That team lived and died by the 3 pointer, right now that is GS. Curry is far from over rated, he showed in the 4th quarter that he can go off at any point and make 99% of anything he throws towards the rim. I wouldn't count them out just yet, but I do think the Cavs take this series in 6. I can't imagine how insane Cleveland will be if the Cavs win the series at home.
  11. Went and checked the place out today. The owner comp'd us a free race, this place is a blast!! There is a whole lot of parking and they are working with us 100% to make this a good meet. If you bring in 3 friends to race with you, its $5 a race
  12. Was pretty cool to actually have someone reach out to us, welcoming us to hold a meet at their location. That's quite a change from what we've grown accustomed to here in Newark haha.
  13. We have no where to hold these in Newark anymore, so we figured why not take our show on the road? This time we are coming to Columbus! Buckeye Raceway Indoor Karting contacted us to see if we would hold a meet at their location. We agreed, so here we are When: July 11th 8pm-whenever Where: Buckeye Raceway 4050 W. Broad Street Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1449872261975821/1449872798642434/
  14. So in effort to challenge myself even more than I have been, I came up with a couple "brilliant" ideas haha. The first is what I am calling 500 rep Friday, basically me and my brother in law who is in this with me, will be doing 500 reps of various lifts, for which ever body part we are working out that day. For instance, last week was arms/chest and tomorrow is back/shoulders. It doesn't seem like a lot, until you get to rep 350 and realize you have 150 more reps to go. We do 10 different lifts, 50 reps each. The other idea I cam up with is a 30 for 30 challenge. I am going to attempt to lose 30 more pounds in 30 days. This will give me a total weight loss of 80lbs in a little over 4 months. No I am not starving myself, I am just going to push myself to new limits in the weight room and really stick to my diet as I have had more cheat days recently than I probably should have. So far I am 4 days in to the challenge and down 4lbs. I have upped the reps in my normal workout from 8-10, to 12 and have started back in the cardio stuff twice a week. Today I weigh 255.4lbs, nearly 55lbs down over all. I'll post some pics and updates in a week or so. Hopefully these updates are motivating someone to get off their ass and start changing their life.
  15. Nick Saban suddenly.crying that the playoffs take away from bowl games. Wonder if he felt that way before or after the ass whooping by Ohio State
  16. Terrible choice in songs for that video
  17. It's crazy how much I used to eat vs how I eat now. It was nothing for me to slay a large pizza, sub and half my wifes sub. Now I eat 2 slices on a cheat day and i'm feeling fat. Eating smaller meals 4 hours apart def helps me, compared to eating 2 large meals per day (lunch/dinner) like I used to do.
  18. Been a couple weeks, so figured I would share a couple pics I took today. I am down 50lbs officially with 12 more to go til my next goal weight. I think at that point I am going to bulk up a little bit and then cut again in a few months. The picture on the left was taken almost exactly 1 year ago this week http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/11209688_10153323419871907_2678919133034183637_n_zpswf0aaecf.jpg If only the rest of my body was as ripped up as my legs haha http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/11151053_10153323336816907_8236525433007676871_n_zpsw7woxdee.jpg
  19. Battled issues with my car all day yesterday, still had a good time. First time taking our son to the event and he loved it. I think he enjoyed riding around on his 4 wheeler with me the most haha.
  20. Honestly man I have just started eating healthy. I have cheat days every now and then, but I don't do anything crazy. Here is a normal day for me diet wise Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter and a large banana Lunch: Chicken Breast with 2 tbsp bbq sauce and a green veggie Dinner: Same as lunch, although I have found various recipes to change it up but still chicken or turkey based meals. Pre-Bed Meal: 6 egg whites scrambled with some cheese and pepper I drink a ton of water and only take protein shakes after workout sessions. I lift 3 times a week and do cardio twice a week (45mins a piece). The cardio is honestly stuff you can do at home by yourself, but doing it with others does make it easier. Its a kickboxing class, we throw a ton of punches, kicks, knees, ect.. and always finish it with core exercises.
  21. I am 10 weeks (heading into the 11th) into this journey and down 45lbs. I put on an Ohio State jersey yesterday that 3 months ago I was unable to even get over my belly, let alone wear comfortably. Losing the weight has not only given me my life back, but has also opened up new avenues for me. I went in cahoots with a few buddies and am actually in the process of opening our own gym. We are going to open the doors to the public this coming saturday actually, which is pretty exciting. Anyways, here is a progress pic for those that still care to see em http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/11175039_10152901036014624_5632412278365675991_n_zpskaxoobmg.jpg
  22. OSU got their 2016 QB and it's Tristan Wallace out of DeSoto Texas. Kid is a 4* on all the sites http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football-recruiting/2015/03/51843/four-star-quarterback-tristen-wallace-commits-to-ohio-state
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