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Everything posted by Draco-REX

  1. Draco-REX


    Tried it a few times, got it wrong. Fuck it.
  2. Sounds like they have a point though. It says something when you ask a fan how the teams for the playoffs are picked and they say "I don't know." Any system that's that complex is ripe for corruption; which means there's money to be made.
  3. His career should be used as an example of how to get stereotyped and then break out of it. ..and then stop the lesson before the part where he gets stereotyped again..
  4. Paypal will take funds out of your account instantly. But it'll take a week or so to put money INTO your account. It's a bunch of BS.
  5. People say that about most of the doctors. Tom Baker's career was pretty much ruined when he was done. It's a sensible move for Tennant. Hopefully this new guy will work out. He certainly LOOKS quirky enough.
  6. Good thread idea. I just got a large Smokin' BBQ Chicken sub at Johnny B's with a large soda and a chocolate chip cookie. An I'm eating it at home on my couch while watching my big screen TV. I should be gaining weight at a pretty good rate. I definitely recommend this regimen to anyone. It takes discipline and focus, but I think I can stick it out.
  7. Will people never stop finding new uses for them? http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee48/boyband_01/DSCN1002.jpg
  8. I didn't say it was ALWAYS 100%. I just meant that you're going to have trouble finding places that hit 100% humidity that aren't on the coast. As for rain, I know they are different, hence 100% without rain.. It's just that most people think it's odd to have 100% humidity since the first inclination would be to think that 100% of the air is water. It's was a tongue-in-cheek comment. Didn't mean for it to become a point of discussion.
  9. gods.. "Don't drive so much! Conserve Fuel! Think Green!" "Now that you're doing that, we're going to charge you more since you're not driving enough.." Dumbasses. I just hope OH doesn't pass an Excise tax...
  10. "I like to put a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room and make them battle it out." -Steven Wright Well, just bought one. I didn't realize that humidifiers were still so small-scale. I still got a reasonably sized one (1050sqft) but it's got all the crazy bells and whistles. It's filtered and uses UV light to kill stuff in the water before atomizing it. So I'll let it run today in the main room, then I'll put it in my bedroom. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it's the dry air a night that's been killing me. It sucks taking a deep breath and having my sinus tissues feel like they're going to crack. I spent my early life in Plymouth MA and most of the rest on Cape Cod. There, you'll have 100% humidity in the summer and that doesn't neccesarily mean it's raining.. I think I'm just geared to get some of my daily water intake from my skin.
  11. Ok, so I live in a small apartment and it has a heat pump (essentially an AC unit that can run in reverse) for the HVAC. Last winter, and this one, it's become REALLY dry in here. My indoor/outdoor thermometer said the inside humidity this morning was 23%. I'm from the coast, so I'm not used to this dryness and it's wreaking havoc on me. My question is, if I get a humidifier, should I place it near the heat pump so the humidity is spread out by it, or should it be far away as possible in case the heat pump removes some of the water from the air? Thanks.
  12. You'd probably freak if you went to Aki-Hana on Old Henderson. I think there's a picture of EVERY dish and some of the Sushi. Great food btw. The sushi is excellent.
  13. Toshiba or Asus. I don't recommend any other manufacturer. Lots of memory. Vista is fine. I run Vista 64bit on my machines and I don't have issues. The "problems" with Vista are blown out of proportion by elitist computer guys who love to hate on MS and have conveniently forgotten their hatred of XP when it came out. It doesn't REQUIRE a lot of memory, it'll just use it to make your commonly-used programs load faster rather than letting your ram sit around doing nothing. (It's actually kind of funny watching an old-school computer guy try to wrap his mind around this. Took me a while too. But what good is RAM if it's empty?) Anything you pick up should handle Movies, iTunes, and browsing just fine. As tasks go, those are REALLY easy. THe most expensive part you may want to consider is a Blu-Ray drive. But that would probably put the laptop outside your $700 budget. Just a note, Lenovo is IBM; biggest Brand-Name in PCs there is.
  14. Doesn't "look like".. it is. I admit the SWRT swoosh is a *touch* pretentious, but I don't have it covering the whole side of the car. The Subaru stickers got me $400 last year and hopefully a lot more this year. The Hankook and Team Dynamics stickers brought in about $500 in certificates for rims and tires. I doubt Mars Inc pays that M&Ms guy. It's possible... But I doubt it. Which is why I'm so curious.
  15. You mean this one? http://www.zoto.com/ilikeitsideways/img/600x600x0/13af6fa07c90106ff44a6a61470af7ec.jpg
  16. I don't get this either. I really want to ask these people what they find so cool about it. I'm honestly curious about the thought process. But I worry that they'll think I'm messing with them and get pissed off.
  17. Gotta personalize everything. But I don't think it's a quirk. Same. Sleeping in socks is just weird. Again, same here. I think it's the knowledge that if the cop is having a bad day, he can ruin my life forever. It'd be his word against mine, and who'd believe some guy over an officer? I think this is universal..
  18. Wow, and I thought I was the only weirdo that hated phones and think all this extra BS that cellphones do is mostly useless. And I'm FAR from a luddite. I love my high tech toys. Hmm.. Weirdness... At least once a month, when I'm in the shower, I'll wash my hair, rinse, and then completely forget I washed my hair in a matter of seconds. Car radios with numerical volume levels need to be either always even or always odd. I'm not sure what determines which it will be, but once I start using odd or even volume levels, thats the way it'll be for as long as I own the car. For some reason, odd levels on an even radio never sound right, or vice versa. ...Unless it's talk radio (i.e. Stern). Then it doesn't matter.
  19. That would be rather useful... For a laugh: Tow the stang to the track, then leave it on the trailer and run the tow vehicle. For the hustle: Get in deep racing the stang against someone. Then for the big money run at the end, "break" in the staging lane and be "forced" to run your tow vehicle.
  20. DAMN! Wish I had known about this. Now I'm stuck with all these PCs when I could have bought a Mac.
  21. The Nacho Cheese Incident I just knew this one would be good.
  22. Fuck.. me too.. OMG "check that, it looked awesome."
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