It's crazy how narrow-sighted people are. This is like Netflix vs Blockbuster all over again. There's a demand, and someone's going to fill it. Except this time, we can see the change coming MILES off. The change is coming whether you like it or not. See it, identify why it's coming, and then GET ON BOARD WITH IT. Find a way to make it work for you rather than against you, or get crushed by it.
Nothing stays the same forever; change is inevitable. I have no sympathy for businesses who sit passively by trying to hold back a tidal wave with pieces of paper and end up wondering what happened. If the recording industry had embraced Napster instead of fighting it, their profits would likely be double what they are now. If Blockbuster had embraced Netflix's business model and leveraged their established name, we'd be watching Blockbuster streaming on our mobile phones right now.
Practical and affordable electric cars are coming, and direct-sales are coming, and I have a feeling it'll happen nearly simultaneously. Dealerships, both big and small, will have to figure out how to turn this change into profit.
Tesla's Factory-to-Door model works for a low-prodcution model, but how does it, or how WOULD it scale to a production level like Ford? It's all fine and good to imagine buying a car online like a pair of shoes, but would that really work the way we think it would?
I can see things going a couple ways, with more or less support from the manufacturers. But ultimately, one thing that WILL have to happen, is the death of the shady dealership. The common practices that make people FEAR dealerships will have to be thrown out. The "dealership" will no longer be able to continue operating as a neccessary evil.