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Everything posted by spankis

  1. Boy that don't make a lick a sense. You must be some kinda goddamn ruhtard.
  2. Well that's fairly awesome.
  3. I've been growing more interested in these little things lately. Cheap, small, has HDMI out. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883103228 Does all the basic stuff you want it for, and handles video specifically well.
  4. spankis

    Virginia Beach

    I can verify that there is nothing to do there. That's the only place I've ever been on vacation that I decided I absolutely never needed to return to. Maybe some fishing? That's about all I found worthwhile...
  5. I don't believe I did any whining there. I thought I was very clear and to the point. Carry on with your life.
  6. True, a few panels have been replaced and repainted, but they're indistinguishable when clean. I should note here that I replaced those few parts because I wanted a change, not because I plowed my car into a wall along the freeway. You're exaggeration is stellar though buddy. I'll be sure to give you a big 'ol fuck you the next time you're pretending to not be a douchebag in person.
  7. True story, he worked his magic on my 1993 white paint.
  8. Article says she attempted to get back in the car and drive away after it caught on fire....
  9. I'm sure you know this, since you're this deep into the truck, but aren't the stepside beds available on short bed 1500's made of fiberglass? Seems like that would offer some super weight savings too. Either way, very cool build sir!
  10. My Grandma has a rosebush in front of her house, right down by the sidewalk, and everybody walking by stops to smell it. She has found NICE diamond rings two separate times in the flowerbed under the roses, where people bend over or something...not really sure how it happens. She keeps them though, in the same boat as far as being unable to post a "gold diamond ring found" ad.
  11. Not a Jim Rome fan at all, but saw this elsewhere and thought I'd share. Jim Rome is clearly not a "car" guy, as becomes fairly clear here....
  12. It's Jym Ganahl, retards....maybe
  13. Among the others already listed, BilliumSS is certified too and offered to do some soldering on a television board for me over the winter.
  14. Both amps sold through craigslist. Mods please lock/delete.
  15. Very incorrect actually, you are misinformed like many others. While it is true that all species of carp are "introduced" fish not native to the United States, only a few species are considered "invasive", and detrimental to an ecosystem. Particularly the Silver Carp, Bighead Carp, and Black Carp can be damaging, and in some cases the Grass Carp can be as well. Often the grass carp you see in ponds are completely legal, sterilized fish, unable to reproduce but kept in the ponds to control vegetation. The Bighead, Black, and Silver Carp have not made their way to Ohio yet, and are found nearly exclusively in the Mississippi River Basin and it's tributaries. The Common Carp in particular is an introduced European species, and while it is very prevalent it is seldom damaging to its habitat. They are quite fun to catch as well, as they truly bolt when they are hooked and put up quite a fight.
  16. No treble hook here, but corn as a pickup bait and packbait around a large sinker as method works well. Also, the carp you're referring to that bite on cherry tomatoes and vegetation are a different type altogether - grass carp. The species pictured is a common carp, and will show little interest in grass carp baits like cherry tomatoes, green beans, etc.. As far as "large" carp around here, there are very few systems locally that will support common carp of that size. The state record is just over 50 lbs, and many dispute its accuracy as it's quite an old catch, and none close have been taken since. 40lb'ers are quite rare, and this one took out 75 yards of line AT LEAST pulling through drag before he could even start to work on the fish. Somehow he caught it on 12 lb mono too...amazing.
  17. Paul I'll buy it from you at the end of this week. I have too much shit to do schoolwise right now or I'd have already bought it. If I owned it right now I might fail a few classes lol.
  18. Not really in a position to know this, but from what I've seen Ray would fit the criteria as well. Mark the IPS Vette guy probably too.
  19. Well, since I mentioned carp earlier in this thread, I figure I'll post this picture up here too. I was out with a buddy of mine and his brother yesterday morning, and my friend's brother hooked into this monster: http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x33/spankis/BlackedOut-40lb10oz-1.jpg The location will remain undisclosed lol, but that's a 40lb 10oz fish right there. The guy holding it is 6'5" 300lbs, to put things in perspective . You could have put a grapefruit in the fish's mouth....ridiculous.
  20. Friend showed me this. http://www.hogrockcafe.com/miss_fifty-year_old.htm Yes they could all be my mom. Do I care, no sir I do not.
  21. http://poststuff4.entensity.net/052110/flash.php?media=people.flv
  22. +1 for Stone IPA, just had one last night. Magic Hat #9 and oddly enough Buckeye Beer Can find both at Anderson's off of Brice.
  23. There is a kid on here with a 408 stroker Dakota, 740Dak or something. I think he's building a 1st gen dakota with something even bigger in it, should be quick.
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