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Steve R.

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Posts posted by Steve R.

  1. No, they do not use the same plan. A friend of a friend is an engineer for AT&T Wireless, and says that iPhone has it's own special data plan because of the amount of data it moves. They may cost the same, but are not under any circumstances the same plan.



    facepalm. They both are required to have a data plan so they don't make you cry at the end of the month. They both use a fuckload of data transfer. We're not talking about some flip phone. They are both smartphones so they get the smartphone plan.

  2. well, in a way they do use the same plan. its a normal line with a $30 unlimited data pack. i would only have to drop my unlimited for my blackberry and get the iphone then add the iphone unlimeted plan. but it seems cheaper just to hit it with 2 more years. hell it doesnt matter the only place i havent had great service with ATT is inside the Delaware Area Career center. but that place had a gay structure that blocked most providers (something with the roof).
  3. i upgraded 6 months ago with a blackberry. thats when i signed my line up for 2 more years. i think. all i want to do is buy the phone, and use it on my existing plan, im not sure about the details but i dont think i would qualify for the discount because i got a new phone already.
  4. i was looking at Apple.com, and i couldnt find the price, i guess because of an agreement with att. so they have them for that price or 299 for the 16gig without the contract? if so then that seems the way to go.
  5. I went out to my grandfathers for Christmas, and he asked if i was interested in some guns. I did not know what he had, so I said yes. Both of them are .22's, not sure of exact DOM's but they are older. One is a Remington Model 4 (built between 1890 and 1930). The other I believe is a Stevens M87 Semi Auto(similar were made by mossberg) It does Have 'wards western field' stamped on the barrel.


    The info i added above was from a quick search, and im not sure of its accuracy, what do you guys think?











  6. Oh an I've still waiting on time sheets dyno sheets scanned in or video cause right now u sould like ur typical right box oh I've got eleventitybillion horsepower... an no one can beat me everrrrrrr!


    *cough*page 3*cough*


    Isn't so spectacular...

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