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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Wonderboy


    Watching platoon right now so this cracked me up. Willam DaFriend :fuckyeah:
  2. What is the difference in "complex" and "simple" carbs? Any examples. I dont know shit about nutrition, all I know is meat, potatoes, and bread.
  3. Well this escalated quickly. So, to some up things up... I still havent gotten much input on my initial question other than add more cardio. Is that what Im supposed to take away from this? I never realized working out was such a touchy subject, definitely too many schools of thought on that one.
  4. You lift alot dont you? What is your typical pre-workout routine? Is there any certain foods I should be eating before hand and if so, how long before?
  5. Yeah, I was talking to a guy at work about it today and he was saying that there alot of injuries related to crossfit do to bad form. Maybe Ill just start out with running and see where that goes, Ive already got fucked up shoulders.
  6. Crossfit looks like death. Been watching videos on youtube for a little while. I think IM gonna try it.
  7. So it sounds like I just need to commit to a cardio routine of some sort and not rely on magic pills or supplements. I guess that does make more sense. Thanks for the input guys. As far as the crossfit, do you go to a crossfit trainer or do you just research the workouts and do them at home or at a regular gym? Are there any places that you would recommend to look into?
  8. Yeah, thats part of why Im getting back into it. Not that I think Im getting old by any means but, I want to develop some good habits asap. And I FUCKING LOVE COCAINE!!!
  9. Ive got a buddy who did this pretty steady for a long time and loved it but, I dont know if Im in the right condition to do something that intense yet. My plan was to do some basic conditioning first and then look into crossfit or something similar. Thats not even working for me. Maybe I just need more cocaine. Does it start off mild or do they just kick your ass from the get go?
  10. I suppose I should probably do more cardio type work. I walk/ stand all day and my job is fairly physical so Its not like Im just sitting on my ass all the time. But, once I start lifting I just burn out quick. Whats a typical amount of cardio to be doing per day or week? Is there any type of standard when lifting or is it just how ever much you feel like? Even though I did alot of lifting a few years ago, I never really learned good habits and am still basically a newb as far as knowledge on this type of stuff.
  11. So I finally decided to get back in the gym and put some meats back on my bones after a few years of being lazy. The issue that I seem to be having this time around is that Im really lacking the endurance I used to have during my workout. Im assuming its partially because Im still "reconditioning" my body and muscles but, it seems weird that Im pretty much exhausted after 20-30 minutes of a not very difficult routine. So Ive tried what I used to do which is eating a couple meat sandwiches about an hour or two before the gym which helps a little but, not enough. Then I went to GNC and told them my issue and the guy sold me on some cellucor c4 which seems to really wake up my brain but, has no effect on my physical endurance. So should I try something different or just wait a few weeks and see if my stamina just naturally gets better?
  12. Wonderboy


    me and a few guys are meeting up on 71 by polaris around 11ish. shouldnt be hard to spot us. come on out.
  13. This is fucking killing me right now. I must be an idiot.
  14. Cookout at your place tomorrow?
  15. Isn't there a cabelas In Ohio now?
  16. Nice edit. So you had trouble compiling your complete thought the first time around? nicetrylittleboylol
  17. Well that is a compelling argument. I see the error in my thought. Thank you for clearing everything up. Rustlenutskin 4prez! sentra gurl? ok rx8 bitch. omgthiscarhandlesogoodicumzalot
  18. So I take it that you dont have any legitimate arguments for not owning multiple firearms of the same caliber? It just seems like a no brainer to me. I suppose if your average gun owner only had 2 or 3 firearms then I could almost understand where youre coming from but, Im pretty sure that most of the gun nuts on here have quite a few more 2-3 guns. Maybe if you made 148k a year, you too could afford to have a larger firearm collection. 30kmillionaireLOL.
  19. Because America. This is probably the dumbest question I have ever read. Ever.
  20. Wonderboy


    30 packs of busch light. Where all da whyte gurlz at?
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