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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Do you have any other lines? He had to do something with one of my other lines and then transfer it to mine. He's in pickerington by the movie theatre on 256.
  2. Actually the salesguy new some ninja way around it so I'm still unlimited. And I just got home with my new S3. Liking it so far.
  3. So Im looking to get a new phone finally and Ive been really looking at the galaxy s3. Im just curious if this is still the best android phone verizon has to offer or is there something else I should be looking at? I just read about the HTC Droid DNA today and it sounds like a pretty killer phone too aside from no removable storage. Anyone know anything about the DNA?
  4. Dont come in here with logic and reason, aint nobody got time for that!
  5. Bummer, now there's less terrible food for fat people to eat.
  6. Ive never seen it on here so fuck you.
  7. Fast forward about 30 second or so. Your welcome.
  8. Smoke weed all day! I don't now but, I most certainly would start again if it was legit.
  9. Is the fire rated drywall significantly more dense than standard?
  10. So I picked up a drum kit recently and have a few questions about making a practice area that wont piss off the neighbors. I was in a half ass attempt of a band a while back and we used to practice in the basement which led to complaints from neighbors and an occasional visit from the po-po. Ive now got an extra bedroom available upstairs and am tossing around the idea of making a practice area/ studio that I would need to sound proof on a very tight budget. So Ive been reading about all types of sound proofing methods for the past 3 hours and I want some feedback from people who have actually tried this themselves. Ive read about building an insulated room inside of a room including a raised floor and second ceiling which seems to be the quietest method but, requires a bit more investment than Id like to put into this but, its not totally out as an option. Ive also read about layering cardboard, carpet, and acoustic tiles from the walls and ceiling which is cheaper but, Im unsure of the overall effect it would give. The appearance of the room would not really be too important to me but, I would like it to effect the structure of the room as little as possible since we do not plan to live here forever. I guess the main thing to figure out is how to drown out the bass really, the mid and high tones should be pretty easy. I also play bass and would like to be able to really crank the fucker up. Any feedback would be appreciated and I apologize for the long and likely hard to understand post.
  11. Glock 23 all day long. Easy to carry and surprisingly accurate for a short barrel in 40. Its my favorite. AK would be a close second, followed by saiga 12 because race car.
  12. sean and I are just now getting out of work. We'll Be there asap.
  13. Directions from sandusky st coming from 23? You know how I like to get lost in delaware.
  14. Where did you pick that up? Model #? Im really liking the dual blade idea.
  15. +1 on armed2defend. Its run by kevin sadeski which is my future brtother in law. He does a great job and is one of the biggest trainers in ohio. I went through the class myself a few months ago.
  16. I love it. Awesome truck man!
  17. if you like to shoot pool, cushions in westerville has liike 30 tables and long happy hours.
  18. The only problem I see is that he waited too long, should have knocked that bitch out before she swung on him.
  19. I was really wanting to come to this but, we will be out of town until that morning and I dont think we could get back in time. You should make this happen a little later, possibly starting at noon would be much more convenient for me.
  20. Glad to see it made it to the finish! Congrats on a record, I didnt expect that. lol.
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