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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Did you really do nothing? My first response would not be to check with CR on what an accepted method of handling it would be. This is a good example of whats wrong with society, not only the criminals in this situation are wrong but, so is anyone who did not try to help. Disgusting.
  2. Wonderboy

    Sketchy racing

    Agreed, plus its close to home for me. I know the guys at oreilly on brice have been cool in the past about hanging out there.
  3. Wonderboy

    Sketchy racing

    So back to sonic on hamilton? That spot worked well for while.
  4. What the fuck you whiny little bitch. Eat my shit. For realz.
  5. Wonderboy

    4/7 tonight

    Colored eggs at moms house with a 12 pack of bud light then went to the bar to finish the night off properly. Just got home and about to try playing the new star wars game for the kinect. I win, I think, we'll see how this game goes.
  6. Wonderboy


    Well the wifey wasnt as excited about it as I was so Im out. GLWS. That thing is sweet.
  7. Wonderboy


    I'm in pickerington, if this is still available monday i may come take a look if the wife says its ok.
  8. I got a mutt with crooked ears and a pot belly but, he's got a great personality.
  9. Wonderboy


    What area are you located? And what kind of fuel mileage do you typically see out of it?
  10. Tornadoes, if I see a funnel cloud I get sick to my stomach and end up in the bathroom shitting all over the walls. I've noticed that I don't feel that way if I'm driving when it happens, or if I'm drunk, kinda weird.
  11. Id have to agree with the 4x4 option but, that depends on where you plan to ride. Where I ride is all overgrown with mud pits and creeks so my polaris does great. Now dont get me wrong here, a bunch of my buddys ride sport quads and get through things pretty well but, tend to have trouble in the deeper parts of the creek and mud pits and end up needing pulled out occasionally or having to make many attempts to get through a rough spot. I have rode both types but, I prefer my big 4x4 especially when riding for 5-8 hours at a time. If youve got a big open area to really get some speed then sport bike all the way but, for aggressive trails Id stick with a 4x4. Plus they are starting to make the new utility bikes with much sportier handling than the older ones.
  12. Wanna get drug around by a neon?
  13. Now just put together a few more lines of information about yourself/ your car and a couple pics and maybe you will get the answers you seek. Or you could just eat shit and die.
  14. screw all the haters. that thing is sick. congrats on being a badass.
  15. http://www.freewebs.com/paranormalknights/ohio.htm This has lots of listings.
  16. Does anyone know if heimberger house is still around? I heard it was torn down but, it was always good for a fun time. The house itself was kinda neat but, it was the surrounding barns that were really creepy. The story I heard ws something along the lines of a guy went crazy and killed his wife and kids and then hung himself in one of the barns. We just used to drink and party there without anything paranormal ever happening. And Ive never heard of any creepy experiences from mudhouse mansion either, its just a big old creepy looking house. My fiance is extremely into this type of stuff and is constantly hearing about new places around ohio that she tries to talk me into going to. There are alot up around lake erie.
  17. Actually the cars are gone. Traded them a couple weeks ago.
  18. Just put on your red shoes and dance the blues.
  19. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
  20. Wonderboy

    And I lol'd.

    Hopefully it will kill you, like in the movie and what not. No threats or ill will intended.
  21. Wonderboy

    And I lol'd.

    dsm lol. atleast mine gets me to work and back EVERY day. LOL Eat my butt. lol
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