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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. So you buying more tells me it's worth buying. 52 week high is like $23/share, so basically potential to double your money on a long term hold...minus taxes. Is it even worth making 1k minus taxes?


    You should have a decent understanding of the market, before tossing in some cash.



    Just my advise...

  2. I will make sure to mention this at the next security guard, armored car officer, or police officer funeral I attend where he or she was shot with their own or a co-worker's weapon. It happens more often than you think.





    from your own link:

    "Police who were helping with security at the event fired back, killing both gunmen."


    Police are not dipshits with CCW permits - they are highly trained professionals. Let's get this out of the way right now - unless you are active military or currently a police officer you are not "trained". Maybe if you were ex police or military and you kept your same training regime in civilian life you can maybe say that you are fully trained in conflict resolution though force. Other than that you are kidding yourself. What passes for civilian "gun training" in this country is mostly to keep you from blowing your pecker off because you think it is cool to carry in your waste-band.


    Seriously more goes into this kind of training than just point the front toward the target and keep your grouping close, there is psychological evaluation and training, constant review of verbal communication skills, etc.... I really think you sell law enforcement short if you think your twice a week at rage prepares you for a situation that requires you to use your firearm in self defense.





    In about half of these the individuals "fighting back" were ex-military, police trained, or active security guards. Also in some of them the "rampage" had already stopped because the initial shooter had run out of ammunition or otherwise surrendered. Convenient of the highly inflammatory conservative website to leave details like that out. I will trade you one batshit conservative site for one batshit liberal site invalidating all of what you say: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/armed-civilians-do-not-stop-mass-shootings




    But there is something else to ponder. I wonder how many people that think "they will have the answer for when trouble comes looking" consider that that upon drawing that firearm they are equally as likely a target for any Law enforcement as the original shooter. You know what LEO's hate? People firing guns in public. All people. They really don't have time or want to consider who is the "good guy" vigilante and who is the "bad guy" original shooter. you know when they figure that out? at the station after you have surrendered, or in the corner's office after they have put a nice tight grouping in your chest. Oh and by the way I am pretty sure being a vigilante is also a crime.





    My first thought when I see photos of dipshits walking around with Rifles on their back. Take a stab at who will be the first with a bullet to the back of their dome? :lolguy:

  3. Because in the situation you described, it would only escalate it, probably with an unfavorable outcome. Especially considering a gun is already pointed at me, when you'd want me to try to quick draw McGraw the guy...


    Carrying a gun doesn't mean you'd have an answer to every situation. If that guy wanted my wallet, he'd have it, and hopefully be gone.


    If it went somewhere else, then I'd have to make a decision from there, but it certainly wouldn't be trying to draw on a gun in your face.


    Exactly my point.

  4. Why would YOU act different, if you had a gun? You're projecting complete horse shit. You're saying if YOU had a gun, it would somehow take over your rational, situational awareness, making you pull the weapon out, when you shouldn't, and get in a "gun fight."


    That's ridiculous.



    Being rational when in those situations, doesn't always happen. Especially when adrenaline is pumping.


    But let me get this straight, you want to carry while in public, but when you see someone pulls out a gun, then points it at your face 30 seconds later, pulling out your gun shouldn't be an option?


    Why even carry then?


    My whole point.


    I think you're projecting a bit. It's simple, you get to choose whether or not to carry a firearm, I respect that choice. I simply ask for the same. Very few CCW'ers I know have the billy-badass attitude you bring up, but there are some sadly. For me, if a shooting is going down I'm looking for ways to get me and my family away from the situation and into relative safety, the firearm allows me to mount a defense should there be forceful denial of that escape.


    Unlikely? Absolutely. I don't expect my house to catch on fire either but it's insured. The risk is low, but the consequences for inaction, high. We all have to choose our level of comfort.



    I don't know many CCW holders, but the few I do know always have that billy badass attitude, and always talk about "when something goes down"


    I don't have any issues with someone carrying, it's your right to do so, Just doesn't make any sense to me, if I ever felt the need to walk out of my house with a gun, it would be time to move for me.

  5. And this is the exact reason why YOU shouldn't have a gun. The fact that you could even type that, let alone think it, is incredible.



    When you're in that situation report back.



    Every gun toting cowboy thinks they will be able to magically stop any situation. IF I had a gun, and pulled it out once he drew on me things would have ended poorly. I could have been shot dead, or him, or both of us. Instead some talking got the guy to cool his shit, rare case, yes. But I would rather be walking around today, without ever having to shoot someone.



    Also I have no issues with guns, just don't see the need to carry one with me. I've owned guns in the past.

  6. So because you would have had a gun, you'd have made dumb decisions to cause you dead?




    I bet not...


    Well I didn't have a gun on me, and ended up not being shot.


    Who knows, If I were to have a gun with me, it could have turned into a shootout.

  7. Its all about situational awareness and being just a little ready IF something were to happen.


    Right now there are 14 families wishing somebody would have been doing what you can't imagine.


    Also, our country is pretty safe, there are places that I try to avoid because in my mind they are not safe. Great example about knowing your situation and where you are going right here





    I get it, but the odds are extremely rare. I would feel like I was giving up some freedom to walk around with a gun, although others feel the opposite.


    Different strokes I suppose.

  8. Maybe, but that's why I look both ways when I cross to prevent that, sort of like why people carry a weapon to prevent a possible issue.


    Soooo, yeah...


    You don't have to carry anything, sort of like you don't have to be ready if your car has a flat tire. Its all about choices.


    When I go to Orlando in a month, guess what? Won't have a gun with me and I'm okay with that. I will find other ways to prevent issues and keep my wits about me.


    Its that easy my friend :)



    I don't know, just doesn't make sense to me. Couldn't imagine having that mindset about my environment, granted I'm aware things can happen. I've had a gun pulled on me before, and had myself been carrying I might not even be here right now?

  9. Oh here we go again...


    Its not that I don't feel safe, I prefer to feel ready if something were to happen.


    I can function as a normal adult without one, some people can't.


    You have better odds of being crushed by a vehicle while crossing the street, so should you wear a helmet while crossing the street?



    I couldn't imagine having to carry a gun with me, whenever I left the house.

  10. The last thing people should be worried about are the refugee all stars, the threat is already here if people have not noticed yet.


    In the wake of the Paris attacks I changed my outlook on public safety, because its clear the idiot in charge and his band of friends are not worried enough.


    I carry a firearm or some other form of protection while in public at all times now. I have never been one to look for trouble and will be the first one to walk away from a confilct to lower its tense nature, but if trouble comes looking for me, I'll have an answer for it.




    You don't feel safe in public, without carrying a firearm?

  11. So, what's wrong with some good OEM/Brembo blanks and really good pads? I'm guessing he will... maybe, get incremental gains from some fancy rotors. Probably high 9x% of his gains are going to be from the bigger rotors (mass, effective radius), better & bigger calipers and good pads. I'm thinking, especially at first, something that is a sure shot at working well and is going to be reliable is probably the better suggestion?


    With a light car Brembo blanks would probably last a good amount of time, but pushing a fair amount of weight around I would just opt for something a few bucks more....

  12. Don't over complicate the rotor choice. You don't have to spend $$$$ to get the "best" rotor.


    If you want the best, look at AP racing or Performance friction.


    If you want something that works, is durable and inexpensive I've had good luck with stoptech slotted rotors. They are heavy as heck but they take track abuse and last forever. They lasted a whole track season on the front of the GT3 for me this year and they were $120 each. The rotors I had on there before that were $1100 each. Weight between the two was drastically different but performance and durability were similar.




    Yeah I would say the pads matter more, but everyone will give you a different opinion.


    I had AP rotors and hated them, replaced with giro disc and it was night and day.

  13. I agree, carbotech is going to be the best people for the job. They will make any pad in their line in any backing plate shape desired. They are also easy to deal with on the phone.


    Call and give them more specifics, I bet you end up with XP-10 or 12 compound and when you lock in the compound they'll make them and you are on your way.


    Finding good pads for those front calipers from others is going to be difficult.




    Shockingly they have the pads for those calipers, looked on their site. Giro disc doesn't list rotors though..


    The full brembo caliper setups go for under $500, might be the better option

  14. Well give me some options so I at least know what my range is price wise. If I was looking for something super budget oriented I'd go ebay, I value my safety and that of others a bit more than saving a few hundred on rotors lol




    Girodisc rotors, you don't be disappointed.


    As for pads, give carbon tech a ring and they will set you up with a solid setup.

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