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Everything posted by lilmiller74

  1. Someone shoulda tazed that bitch! I dont hit women but after all than and then getting slapped in the face, she would have been picking her teeth up off the ground.
  2. Nice, I have a buddy that works on bikes like this if you ever need anything done you can pm me for his info.
  3. So I take it most of the people down there dont do the three honk thing unless I just couldnt hear them.
  4. Your car looks amazing, and will be a MONSTER!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0guaOIWrYrE&feature=related
  6. Interior is perfect on the car so if you can picture one in perfect condition thats it lol.
  7. Looks amazing, The painted lower's is the way to go!
  8. It sounds about like this with the cut out open if that gives you and idea...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs5Lr2a1fnI...There is music but you still get the point.
  9. I've never once nor will I ever get in a fight or threaten an ex..might as well save face and just walk away.
  10. Or take her to your house...
  11. Sticking your dick in crazy is fine just double wrap and have your phone carrier on speed dial to block her number.
  12. Haha this isn't me, I saw it on another forum but I also have had that crazy bitch in my life to Haha
  13. Some girls just dont have pride... http://imgur.com/a/r5kEb
  14. I have decided to go a different direction so I am selling some of my parts. $1100 takes everything or they are priced individually. L92 Heads(50k miles)-$500 Pat G Spec'ed cam .224/.236 .581/579 112+4 (brand new) -$380 Ls3 intake With Fuel rails and injectors-$340 Lunati bee hive springs (New)-$130 6.2L Head gaskets and one side head bolts-$150 614-580-7735 If you have any questions
  15. Jason has an arsenal of a little bit of everything maybe we can get together some weekend and shoot...have anywhere to shoot?
  16. Just be reeeaaal sneaky and get close for a shot with the 22.-250
  17. I liked my Remington 700 chambered in 22-250...not big enough for elk bit fun for long distance and more than enough for coyotes.
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