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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Nope, sadly the point is you fucked up that MR2 also.
  2. +1. Or depending if your model is supported, install DD-WRT on the router and you can increase the output power.
  3. You should see how much new windows save.
  4. Car info and pics before you get flamed. Welcome to Ohio.
  5. always wear your seatbelt
  6. your brother needs to join. He also should of went with the wagon for coolfactor.
  7. http://www.thinkgeek.com/caffeine/wacky-edibles/ab3f/ there ya go edit: read locally..nope, dont know locally. Maybe world foods by lennox.
  8. Don't EVER touch your face. Wash with lots of soap.
  9. 1) Make into a salsa 2) Give me sample of salsa
  10. http://alldroid.org/viewtopic.php?f=210&t=1655 Who wants to try this out for me?
  11. Kernels you just install like update.zip setcpu is free if you get it from the official repo, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=505419, just register and you are set.
  12. Heh, Ti has one of the easiest languages possible, until you start working with assembly. And I did a nice textbased texas holdem on my Ti83 but pacman is pretty impressive.
  13. Heh, its actually very nice looking and functioning. I dislike car home, but it isn't the micro usb plug that does it, its magnets positioned in certain spots. I COULD make it do that if I really wanted. I'll get a picture of it all sometime.
  14. I built my own droid dock in my car, because I am a real man
  15. The nexus IS coming to VZW in the spring though.
  16. Mechanical fail would be incredibly difficult to replace. If its a controller fail or something else otherwise, you can replace the boards on HDDs without too much trouble. Just buy the same exact drive. The boards are usually held on buy a few screws and little push-in connectors.
  17. "Get the abortion, or I will beat you into a miscarriage and you will go to jail" :ninja:
  18. This, teach yourself once, and forever spread the word.
  19. This is the universal diesel code.
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