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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. look at the number when you're quoting someones post. its more than 10000 over 1mil. gotta keep deleted post in mind.
  2. its even easier than what it says on paper. Its just a big, oddly shaped, expensive lego piece. pops right in and you're done. Just make sure you buy the right thing.
  3. screw bumper stickers, this guy knows whats up http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs137.snc1/5850_120202342372_601507372_2892678_1453815_n.jpg
  4. are you using it as a media center? I have one I'm getting up and running (on a 52 lcd) with mythtv. and heres a partial picture of my setup i took about 2 weeks ago. http://i27.tinypic.com/2ytz88n.jpg
  5. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/sheeple.png
  6. 28" (bought 2 weeks ago) running 1920x1200, mainly powered by 4870 in desktop. laptop is 17", runs 1920x1200 (which is partially why I bought the monitor)
  7. Didn't see it coming at all. Awesome post.
  8. really? :jerkit: and you cant fit a socket in there, it needs a box wrench.
  9. free ice cream on Tuesdays restrict healthcare and drug cost to what people pay in other first-world countries (if any other first-world countries paid for healthcare..) No reason to pay more just because you live in america.
  10. I say your photoshops should only be as bad as your approval rating, so Bush essentially gets what he deserves.
  11. 10+3 actually, but its not like the declaration of independence did anything for anyone.
  12. At work today, I packed up a printer to be shipped. I covered the entire box in packing tape, and now i can just slide it around on the carpet waiting for UPS to pick it up
  13. What the fuck did that tow truck do to the road?!?!?
  14. They already drive around handing them out for free.. They used to drive by my school all the time and hand them out to every kid they saw. They would give you two if you asked. But to get them free anytime I wanted would kickass too.
  15. I've been going to whempys on/off since 2003. Its definitely one of those cool little things people don't hear about that you should check out at least once.
  16. buy $500 ranger from craiglist trade in for more money ??? profit?
  17. I'm a techie. Not one for getting coffee though. I've been meaning to ask what you do Akula, since I'm going to be majoring in college for something similar.
  18. I will admit, I love having anal sex with my mac.
  19. I really, really want to actually see this happen. Not because I hate Apple, but because I hate AT&T.
  20. Finally, something entertaining to read at work again
  21. I knew he was a little punk-bitch this whole time. Mushroom headed bastard.
  22. Man.. the maintenance on Jaguars is so bad that it kills you. Strangely, about a year ago there was this http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2008/07/29/Carfatal.ART0_ART_07-29-08_B2_0GASF7I.html?sid=101
  23. Sounds like a shit router to me. If your router is compatible, it may be worth a shot to see if you can install DD-WRT on it (hacked firmware) and the router may still have some life to it.
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