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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. And Blackened. Fuck Blackened. Am I the only one that prefers ride the lightning to master of puppets (Comparing songs, not the albums)
  2. 21.7 I kept hopping on a foot and a knee. trying to run is fucking hard. its like learning to walk all over again.
  3. "Because its cheap and ugly, a little subaru goes a long way to make you happy" My my how advertising has changed...
  4. and another http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=BaOtGR04918&feature=related
  5. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mw06DZbme8&NR=1 Same kid...Again.
  6. unfunnyryan


    I know ya from whempys. You used to have a really clean civic or something didn't you?
  7. So its another watercar but with a beefier engine? converting water into hydrogen requires energy. LOTS of energy. I seriously doubt this thing actually performs, even if they are mixing gas in with it.
  8. I went as business casual too. http://i33.tinypic.com/2qwpsud.jpg That wasn't even the full costume in that picture. thats after I got home and started cleaning up
  9. my brother goes to OU. Already discussed plans to stay at frat house with him
  10. Losing a major company wouldn't be a bad thing at all. Think of it this way. If we only had 3 major car manufacturers, they would all be bringing in MUCH more money because the market wouldn't be as diluted. This money could go to researching safer, more efficient, and better performing cars.
  11. strange, I saw a nice Evo today on riverside/fishinger and a plymouth prowler.
  12. I'd understand if it was night, but i see nothing but daylight in that picture...
  13. Thats how I spend my days. I have to replace one of their shitty DVR boxes every 1-2 months.
  14. I read that this morning and could not stop laughing.
  15. at 0:46 he says "how about 2 balls between the legs"
  16. Don't say you can't just yet...
  17. unfunnyryan


    I'd be going to ACDC but I'm already shelling out big money for metallica tickets.
  18. Well a lot of you guys liked the ipod/iphone accelerometer based dyno.. So check this out. http://devtoaster.com/products/rev/index.html It has very basic accelerometer use, but when the product is fully released you will get a thing to plug into your OBDII and they will connect to your iphone via wifi. If you already have an iphone or such it could be a good canidate for a cheap OBDII reader/scanner
  19. http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp48/essex-sykes/a8.jpg What the FUCK!
  20. unfunnyryan

    canker sores

    Canker soars suck. There isn't much you can do about preventing them or heal them. I'd try using Listerine with it. It will help it stay clean so it can't get worse and possibly reduce pain afterwards. Although last time I had a canker soar it lasted for a good 10 days (It probably got infected) It was a bit of a crater like yours was. Mid way through I found these little pads you can apply to them and they work wonderfully. They stick to the sore and relieve pain and in most cases you forget its even there. I really recommend them. HOWEVER, I realize now that putting your finger in your mouth to apply the damn things probably transmits a lot of bacteria to it, so wash your hands first.
  21. if those wires are copper and if they are just going to leave it there like that....
  22. The guys are climbing the ladders before they are even upright. Crazy
  23. Those bats are HUGE. Way bigger than anything I've seen flying around at night... thank god.
  24. Got power around 6 tonight. Any longer and without it and I would of lost it.
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