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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. 1x - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813182347 2x - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117271 12x - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233365 Overall cost is less than a 15" macbook pro with retina display.
  2. Shooting for you would be illegal and dangerous It does however, adjust the trigger pull for you when the moment is right. You keep slight pressure on the trigger, and when the shot is lined up, the resistance drops and you fire.
  3. unfunnyryan

    What if?

    x5 This is how the country was founded, the disobedience of many versus their tyrants. The second amendment proves its self more strongly than ever in those regards.
  4. the yellow pee pee monster must work at chase now nsfw http://yppm.removed.us/
  5. I'd do it, because the bolt spring on the carbines is enough to crush the rock
  6. I really don't think it's a bad an idea if a few things are done Make corporate campaign contributions ILLEGAL All donators to a campaign MUST be publicly listed Make all lobbying illegal Abolish the electoral college To be eligible for a 3rd term and beyond, you must have received at least 65% of the popular vote in the previous election. Elections will be held every 2 years after the 3rd term Then if you have a president whom is doing an incredible job, you can keep it that way, instead of having presidents going back and forth changing everything wasting a shit ton of resources. Contradicts a bit of what I said above, but vote against all the incumbents for a good time
  7. If not sold in 2-3 weeks...I might want this. Will definitely try to check one out at the range soon.
  8. No fucking joke when I was at New Albany a while back the guy in the next lane was letting me shoot his M1 Garand and when I put the clip in and the fucker snapped shut on my thumb. DAMN "GOD FEARING"© CLIPS, KEEP YOUR BELIEFS OFF MY THUMB
  9. Read title. Looking to bulk up. I don't care too much where the brass is from as long as it is okay condition, I have a tumbler and can clean it myself. For the others that aren't listed, let me know in a PM or something. I might start reloading other calibers for a few friends. Edit: I'm interested in 9mm as well now
  10. http://www.copart.com/c2/homeSearch.html?_eventId=getLot&execution=e3s2&lotId=27245092&returnPage=SEARCH_RESULTS Gauges still turn on...how bad could it be? Could part that out for some good money, and salvage the motor.
  11. the advanced auto ones were a PITA to use on my car with limited space when reinstalling springs
  12. "Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 (IE5) was a graphical web browser released on March 18, 1999..." jesus christ
  13. There was a place called Lan Lords Gaming that tried this with PC games, and eventually went under. It was a shame as they had the BEST atmosphere.
  14. We had one of these at my buddys farm - they will stop a dozen .22s and a .40 before major cracks appear.
  15. no need to do a full install you can run most recovery utilities from a live cd data recovery is a hit or miss operation most of the time
  16. it's basically a lockout to prevent you from easily changing magazines. they are required in california. the bullet button in particular allowed the magazine to not be removed by hand, but with the tip of a bullet. they consider that not good enough.
  17. LOL You just won 2012 on CR, that's amazing.
  18. http://news.bme.com/2009/11/11/do-the-dew/
  19. http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/112.gif
  20. No more 2x4s under 16" without a tax stamp
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