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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. The fuck? Do you realize you just proved him and the Dunning-Kruger effect right by saying that?
  2. Milled AKs are wrong, the tolerances are too tight. In certain areas the action is intended to be able to move freely and the receiver flex ever so slightly. It plays a big part in the reliability. Russians perfected the stamping of them, and AFAIK they still use stamped weapons today. Milled ones are heavier as well. Only cool as a collector piece if its mint condition.
  3. not enough cocks in his mouth to be average
  4. I agree. There is hundreds of thousands, possibly near a million of those touch screen voting machines out there. For only a few of them to come up with issues that just come down to screen calibration, that's pretty good. That's a better rate than Apple products lol
  5. I know someone that might but it might be until monday that you'd get an answer, I'll let him know anyways
  6. Anyone tried this? I was in the Lewis Center Walmart for the first time the other day and noticed how much better their sporting goods section was compared to the ass-disaster that is Bethel Rd (They actually had ARs for sale, and organized ammo!) I noticed they had Winchester M22 22LR ammo, and while it was a big bulk pack, it was also a little more expensive. Has anyone tried it? Reviews online show it to be fairly good, like a mix between bulk ammo and CCI minimags.
  7. On reddit.com/r/guns there was a guide to building cheapest AR that is still semi decent (at least chrome moly barrel) One guy built one for just under $450 I believe, using the scratch/marred parts some places offer from time to time.
  8. LOL $5 to everyone that post in this thread if any sort of gun control on the federal level is implemented retards.
  9. Marklar compares to Marklar because Marklar can Marklar with the right Marklar. Swap out the Marklar on the Marklar and the Marklar can Marklar Marklar. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6uw7b2pM61r82oooo1_400.jpg But C6 is 9mm and G19 isn't. It wouldn't compare.
  10. Walmart has been doing this shit since the beginning of time, and are one of the largest employers... People still shop there, as we are selfish creatures shit don't matter /thread
  11. My god that is a beauty. If I had $750 to blow I would already be driving to your house. And it is .40 :megusta:
  12. female + looks good = no card
  13. :/ had a person call off looks like I have to work late today, pretty bad chances of me making it.
  14. LOL. Saw a guy with a laser too. More hits on the edges of a rather large target (one of the zombie clowns) than anywhere near the center.
  15. Or the new ipod nano, which is a smaller ipod touch... :dumb: Failure
  16. Yeah, I enjoy powderroom, its cheap, and close by. Staff has always been friendly...but now I'm questioning what the benefits are of spending a bit more (you know, living longer) and driving out to NASR where things are a bit more controlled, minus the political rants that occur in there. Maybe I should start going in the mornings, might be less idiots out than at 6-8pm. Cameras and a window that everyone can see through. I'm glad they apparently pay pretty good attention to those cameras too. Oh, and they also had to come out for a pair of young girls not even half an hour afterwards whom apparently had no idea how to hang up a target, load a magazine, etc. Guy who had to come help them several times jumped when they muzzle swept him.
  17. It's been on and off my mind all night. I've ranted this to a handful of people now. I hope one of the photos ends up on facebook so they can be publicly humiliated and shamed.
  18. Tonight at powder room, right around 7pm, my girlfriend roommate and I saw one of the most wreckless, stupid acts of putting lives in danger that should of put two idiots in jail. I was on lane one with my roommate, gf was out in lobby. I've just finished a mag I get a tap on the shoulder from the roommate. I'm fucking astonished to see the guys (should refer to them as children) in one of the middle lanes about 2-3 feet back from the firing line, one with gun in hand, other with iphone taking pictures. The slide wasn't locked back. There was no clear indication of the gun being safe. Then their stupid catches up with them. The one with the gun posed for his buddy, with the gun pointing in his mouth, and another pose pointing it directly at the temple, muzzle sweeping just about everyone. It was a chilling moment right before an employee/RO came out and took the (rental) gun, escorted them out of the range, and according to my gf, told them to fuck off and never come back in a somewhat polite way. Am I crazy for thinking people like this should be in jail? Someone could of been killed in response to what they were seen doing, it could of been the start to a murder/suicide for all anyone could have known at the time. Part of me thinks darwinism has failed tonight, but will be back in the near future. (also +1 for powder room for giving us a $5 discount, due to gf now being enlisted in navy and talking with the guys there for quite a while :thumbup:)
  19. you dont see much in video but shame and dishonor
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