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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Ash

    Hi, I'm a newb!

    Hey, lay off my man! He can be very nice, in person. He's just an ass online. PS Welcome!
  2. I don't have one of those yet.
  3. Damn straight! You're on crack!
  4. Are we going to take pictures of the Malibu and Stratus?
  5. LOL exactly! He thinks he will do great in Vegas! HA HA HA!!!! When are we going to meet in Westerville? I'm sick of driving out to Brian.
  6. I'm in if Hal wins more money and gives it all to me. I only have $4 left from our awesome winnings!
  7. I'm worried about him facing the future wife. Won't be pretty, trust me.
  8. See, maybe it was a good thing the transmission fucked up.
  9. I don't think he was driving. I thought he rode with one of his friends. It sucks for all of them.
  10. Haha True but they can't get their money back.
  11. I think he was just trying to have some fun before his wedding. He isn't 21 so he couldn't go out drinking. A stupid move yes but it sucks that he will be in jail during his wedding.
  12. I don't think the one that is getting married today was even driving anything. How can they hold him?
  13. LIAR! You know you love me!
  14. STFU! Those are amazing sunglasses when they are on the right way. I hate you.
  15. Movie at 9:50 or 10:50, we're going. Come get me when you get off! Now get back to work lazy ass!
  16. Hal in the Taco Bell drive thru. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r27/firefly712/pics551.jpg He thinks he's cute in my sunglasses.
  17. Wanna fight about it?
  18. Welcome! I gave you positive rep for having my birthday!
  19. I'm sick? Lets not talk about the shit you do.
  20. Happy 21st babe. We'll celebrate more next weekend in Cleveland!!
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