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Everything posted by PRD2BDF

  1. Mobility scooter. Zero maintenance needed.
  2. As some of you, or none of you, may know...I'm student-teaching at the Ohio School for the Deaf. I'll be teaching here until April 27th. I commute from Lancaster to OSD every day. I've fucking had it with the fucking traffic on 33. It's more packed than a constipated fatass. On a good day without stupid traffic, it takes about 30-35 minutes to get to OSD. Daily, it's taking me a hour and 15 minutes to almost 2 hours. I've asked my parents and friends and they don't know. Is there alternate ways to get to Columbus? I just need to get to 71-N so I can get off at Morse Rd. Backroads are fine, honestly, anything is fine. TL;DR: Fucking fuck drivers on fucking 33, other ways to get to Columbus?
  3. Thank you, Cordell. I thought it was unusual that a modern car produced black smoke at startup. The car was sitting outside during this bitter cold. Like I said, it only lasted maybe 2-3 seconds. No other symptoms such as rough idling, struggling to stay running, etc was present. It could be like you said, extra fuel to get it started.
  4. That was the old Saab, this is the new Saab
  5. Awesome. Waaaaat? You just said its easier than everyone makes it out to be...
  6. Awesome, glad tk see a lot of people liking it. I may just do my taxes tomorrow then with the TurboTax
  7. I'm not that mechanically inclined but is it normal to see black smoke for a few seconds at a cold start-up in this weather. I noticed it on my car. I know that cars will run rich when cold to help getting started andnrun until warmed up sufficiently. I didn't know if this belonged in tech or not since it isn't really a problem but more of a curiosity.
  8. I will be doing my own taxes for the first time. Years prior, I just bundled my info with my parents for their tax person to do. Now I want to learn about it and thought about using TurboTax Does anyone recommend it?
  9. Saying and doing are two different things. I only know of one person who actually drives his car that's worth more than my house is Doc
  10. How do you typically clean carbon buildup? Does the ol' Italian tuneup still apply?
  11. The nice thing about the non-S, you can keep them floored through turns...
  12. I'm not a representative of all Deaf people But you're right, I'm a dick.
  13. I had the biggest crush on her when she interpreted for me. Tell her that Cody from Ohio University whom she interpreted for said hi. Chances are she won't remember me but worth a try.
  14. Gotcha, I read that differently. My apologies. It's a plan. I'll attend one and when you're there, just shout "DOWN" and the last person standing will be me.
  15. Are you shitting me? She interpreted for me when I was in college, holy shit. You've done well, son.
  16. What's her name? Maybe she has interpreted for me in the past
  17. Reading lips while driving on an autocross course? I'll give you a moment to mull over how that would work out. Basically paper and pen/reading lips before setting out then using hand signals to point out directions and braking/accelerating
  18. I am interested in attending these things. I see that there are instructors on here, any of you willing to help out a Deaf driver? I'm terrified of getting lost like James May
  19. How pissed was the wife? Oh and nice car!
  20. I've been pulled over maybe 15 times? Only one actually wrote everything down as soon as I informed him I was Deaf. The rest are inconsiderate pricks that won't write anything down. I'm forced to lipread the best I can.
  21. I didntnsay I broke the law. I said I did a full stop but it wasnt for the required three seconds. I am not complaining, I am just asking if there is any way I could get the ticket to turn into a non-moving violation so that it doesn't show up on my insurance.
  22. It was 11pm at night, no one was on the roads. I performed a full stop for a quick second because I didn't see the point in stopping for three seonds then proceed. It wasn't a rolling stop but it could have looked like one.
  23. So last night I got pulled over for failure to yield to a stop sign by a trooper. I thought I stopped but I guess his perception of what a stop looks like is different. Oh well. Im just wondering if anyone had any experience getting this ticket to drop or changed to a non-moving violation. My speeding ticket dropped off in January and I would like to try to keep it this way. If I'm shit out of luck then so be it.
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