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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. And you know this how? I think he looked decent in last year's spring game but ever since Pryor showed up on campus, every time we get a glimpse of Bauserman it's horrible. I bet he isn't actually horrible but whenever he gets a shot to do anything he seems to be trying to do way too much athletically (to prove he's on the same level as Pryor? Not even close as an athlete) and it's a joke. I remember watching the OSU practice that they showed on the Big 10 Network before this season and OSU was running an option drill. Pryor, Guiton and Siems all pitched 50% of the time or more. Bauserman? Kept it every time and went no where. He needs to know what he is and it's not Terrelle Pryor.
  2. To the people who say Pryor shouldn't have been out there last year did you see our OL? Boeckman was done after the USC game. Couldn't handle any pass rush and was just mentally broken. Pryor had to be out there so he could move around and get away from the 2-3 guys that would be chasing him just about every play. And even Pryor still took (and takes) a lot of sacks. Boeckman would have died with the way our OL played last year and, unfortunately, it looks like this OL, even with new faces, is starting to look pretty similar.
  3. The top 5 recruiting classes you're talking about are freshmen and sophomores...lol. Give them a little time. I think people got a little caught up in the blowout wins we were having against Toledo, Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin (which was a pretty good indicator of where the team was it would seem) and forgot how young this team is. Before the season I know a lot of people said this team would make some nice, exciting plays but lose a game or two they had no business losing and 3-4 games total. We're sitting at 2 losses, one of which was to a team they had no business losing to. So we're pretty close to right on pace...lol.
  4. Aside from the fact that he's done exactly that in every game this season... spot on! Good argument! lol
  5. Hall will get more and more playing time as his pass-blocking improves. Probably why we didn't see him at all yesterday because Pryor needed all the help he could get back there.
  6. Was supposed to play yesterday but re-aggravated his hamstring injury that had kept him out all season so far. I don't see how he won't redshirt at this point.
  7. I've read that U-Verse is definitely the worst out of the big HD carriers in the Columbus area on an Ohio-specific HD forum. Insight isn't great (I have it) but it's definitely better. Pretty sure the satellite providers have the best pictures available.
  8. I think Pryor audibled on one of his TD passes. Not sure which one.
  9. Yeah, people seem to forget that at this point in their careers Vince Young was getting booed off the field in spot duty competing with Chance Mock and Troy Smith was returning kicks...lol.
  10. TP is basically learning a 2nd offense in as many years. He ran an offense designed for Boeckman/Beanie last year then he started this year still basically running that offense with Boom in place of Beanie (didn't work so well) and now we're finally switching over to nothing but shotgun, 3 wide every time. We barely even had any short, easy passes in the Boeckman/Beanie/Boom offense and now we have a lot that are wide open. Considering that was basically his first game in that full offense (ran almost all shotgun against Illinois but it was mostly running due to the monsoon) I'd say he did pretty well... 3 passing TD's in the 1st half and whatnot.
  11. Wiscy is 25th in the coaches which actually means something since it's used in the BCS formula and the AP isn't.
  12. Still don't think Forcier makes it to the OSU game.
  13. At least he was nice enough to whip out his Palm Pre while walking around the driveway waiting for the ambulance and snap some pics. What a guy.
  14. The DB who dragged Pryor down 5 yards out of bounds, into the bench on our sideline got up and threw a punch at a helmet-less Scott Sika (walk-on OL). He missed because he's a loser but he should have gotten something for sure. The kid Coleman hit was on the field of play, the whistle hadn't blown and the kid he hit was still on the way down. Plus the majority of the contact was at the QB's chest and the crown of Coleman's helmet knocked the bottom of the QB's facemask jolting his head backwards. Since Coleman lowered his head the way he did he was probably at greater risk for injury than the QB.
  15. bicranium

    verizon wtf??

    I had one of the free Motorola's from Cingular/AT&T a few years ago that went through the washer and the dryer and worked perfectly when I pulled it out of the pants it was in. Maybe try putting it in the dryer.
  16. My two on the bottom are basically functioning teeth at this point. Pretty painful when they came in when I was 19 or so but they're just there now. I have one that's poked through just a bit on the top and the other is MIA. Haven't given me any problems since the initial pain of coming through and I don't have insurance so they get to stay...lol.
  17. Our DL is going to murder Darryl Clark. Their OL is awful. Kinda wished they had gone unbeaten up until we played them just so we'd get the "win against a top 5 team" monkey off our backs but they were even worse than I imagined. Good thing we get Iowa late. Hopefully our O is a bit more smoothed out by then.
  18. ND needs to finish top 8 in the BCS to get an auto-bid.
  19. I agree with just winning the Big 10 for the auto bid but just an FYI - voters have nothing to do with at-large bids past the point of putting a team in a qualifying position for one. If OSU qualifies for an at-large bid and doesn't get the automatic Rose Bowl spot the bowl selection committees are always going to give them a spot. Yeah, a lot of the "miserable," as JT put it, fans whined and complained after the USC game and don't fully support the team anymore but OSU fans will always pack the stadiums they play in. With the size and history of the school there are too many not to. And the selection committees know it.
  20. Actually it's a lot easier to find a Pro (60GB version) with the newest chipset than an Elite. At least it was a month or two ago. At that point the only "Elite" with the new chipset (Jasper) was the red Resident Evil LE one. With the elimination of the Pro and lower price for the Elite, Elites with the new chipset are starting to trickle into the market though. Just go searching local stores (Best Buy, Gamestop, etc.) for the newly boxed Elites. In a white box rather gray and it should have less accessories (that's one of the ways they were able to lower the price - no HDMI cable included, some other unimportant stuff). Those should have a good chance of being the newest, most reliable chipset.
  21. Doesn't really matter this early in the season. However, the fact that Oklahoma somehow moved ahead of OSU is a bit puzzling. The team that beat Ohio St. lost by 3 on the road without their best player on defense and their starting QB. The team that beat Oklahoma lost by 26 at home at full strength. Yet, like you said, the USC loss somehow hurt OSU more than the BYU loss hurt OU. Odd logic by the voters but we've got plenty of time to get back into position for a nice at-large BCS spot.
  22. I'll give you Oregon State but Rutgers... Still one more quality win than OSU has thus far so don't take that the wrong way.
  23. Oklahoma STATE lost to Houston, not Oklahoma. But Oklahoma did lose to BYU who got absolutely shit stomped yesterday at home by then unranked FSU. Either way, OU shouldn't have been randomly moved ahead of OSU. The coaches poll is even better though. BYU is still ranked ahead of Florida State who beat them 54-28 yesterday...lol.
  24. Yeah, and we play them next year. Possibly a Monday night game on Labor Day.
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