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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Probably northern California or Oregon.
  2. I used to be fine with any pizza then in HS all of a sudden Domino's made me nauseous. So maybe the new recipe will make me less nauseous. I'll just stick to Donato's and the occasional Papa John's or Little Caesar's (mmmmmm Crazy Bread).
  3. Man, Herbie jinxed Texas hard on that one talking about how Texas hadn't given up a sack all night then BOOM! Sacked and fumbled.
  4. Started coming down probably a half hour ago here in Pickerington. It's small but there's a lot of it (that's what she said).
  5. Wrong. Care package marker from 6 feet away running at 400mph > *.
  6. lol... my friend told me about him doing this last night. All he does is take their video with Manycam and make it his own then he draws stuff like dicks on it. A lot of the time the person cooperates and opens their mouth on the cam for the digital dick. Ridiculous.
  7. Yes. Any team with a real defense would have had an infinitely greater shot than Cincinnati did. I think OSU-UF would have been pretty similar to Bama-UF.
  8. bicranium


    4, not 12. You rarely see double digits in BCS games (UF-Cincy was one...lol).
  9. Yeah, watching this press conference (been going since about 4:55) leads me to believe he announces that this leave of absence doesn't even happen within the next week or so.
  10. Something wrong with his heart. Supposedly been in and out of the hospital several times since the SEC CG.
  11. Last time I went to Walmart I had a lymph node on my neck swell up like a baseball. Fuck Walmart indeed.
  12. I almost always pick up the 12-month cards for $30 when they pop up (Buy.com, Newegg, Amazon, etc.) so I'm paid through 2011 or something...lol. Think I'll pick this up though. That keyboard thing is worth paying my sub through 2012. Can't buy any more though since we're all gonna die in 2012.
  13. Frank's Red Hot on anything that makes sense and some things that don't.
  14. The instant streaming on 360 has already gotten A LOT better than it was when it first came out. I got it right when it was first made available and canceled shortly thereafter because the selection was awful. I just recently started using it again and there are a lot of good movies on there now. Even more if you go away from the HD stuff which I rarely do.
  15. COD isn't about single player. It's about running around on multiplayer getting raped by 12-year-olds with 1887's and heartbeat sensors then screaming obscenities at your television. This is the definition of bliss.
  16. It's not his alma mater. But he is from Boston and an Irish-Catholic so it's pretty much the same thing...lol. Cincy players are PISSED. He's not even coaching them for their bowl game. He's gone. Probably made recruiting calls on behalf of ND last night (if not earlier). A school like ND doesn't hire a coach then let him mess around with his old school while their recruiting class potentially falls apart.
  17. This was decided 2 days before his accident. Guess it just wasn't very successful. Has nothing to do with his recent "transgressions."
  18. That's what I was referring to in my first post in this thread by saying their offense has one speed (although I didn't know they were DEAD LAST...lol). They're quick strike or no strike. There's no in between or slow down where they would be able to wear a team down or burn clock if they ever had to. A lot of really well-informed people have had Kelly done to ND since before Weis was even officially fired. His responses when asked about the job even in very public situations wouldn't be very reassuring if I were a Cincy fan.
  19. Yes, I splurged for the Core i7 processor then pieced the rest of the computer together with parts from eMachines and garage sales. Not sure why it's terrible. But at least it can self-determine whether analog or digital audio should be fed to whichever speakers I'm using. Open Winamp, music comes out of my analog speakers. Open Media Player Classic to watch an HD movie on my TV, starts feeding Dolby Digital or DTS to my surround sound receiver. Without changing a single setting on my computer. Can't do that with Vista/7 and it pisses me off. I don't see how upgrading software should make something more complicated than it was on its predecessor so I refuse to use it.
  20. I honestly think TCU can compete with anyone in the country because they are a complete team. They've always had a nice defense under Patterson but now they've developed a solid offense to go with it and you see the results. Oregon St., WVU and Pitt are definitely quality opponents for Cincy but so were BYU and Utah for TCU. All of those teams I'd put on the same level of competition so Cincy played 1 more quality opponent than TCU and over the course of their seasons 1 more bowl team. I don't think 1 more good team on the schedule accounts for the difference in margin of victory though... especially when the margin of victory was so large against their toughest opponents.
  21. I have a PC with a Core i7 processor (4 cores) and 6GB of RAM and hate Vista/7. XP Pro for life! Sup?
  22. Easy to make guarantees when there's no chance of it happening eh? So the Big East is tougher than the MWC because each conference had 3 teams finish in the top 25? Do you read what you write?
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