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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Really? I've had some crazy long gaming sessions or periods of time where the controller will be on for several hours at a time as I'm doing other stuff and gaming at the same time... I'd say 6-7 hours being the longest. And the little battery meter never goes below 2 bars (out of 4) for me. Lots of 18-21 hour gaming sessions there on the PS3? lol
  2. These aren't fucking Oreo's we're talking about here, bub. THESE ARE MOTHAFUCKIN' GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! YOU BEST RECOGNIZE!
  3. You eat the miracle fruit then for a while (not sure how long it lasts) you only taste the sweet parts of sour/bitter foods. Makes a lot of stuff taste really different.
  4. I think the PS3 one is funnier or at least put together better since it takes Sony's ad campaign and uses it against them. Plus the RROD is pretty much non-existent on the new 360 hardware so that's a little outdated. And I'm not really a fanboy. Was looking into trading in my extra 360 Elite towards a PS3 and Heavy Rain soon.
  5. Yeah but at least the PS3's online network is free! lol
  6. bicranium


    That Highwayman looked amazing. Eggs and meat is hard to beat.
  7. Sullinger gonna spank dat ass. Can't wait to see him (and Weatherspoon) in scarlet and gray next year.
  8. Vampire penguins? Zombie guinea pigs? We're done for. ...Done for.
  9. bicranium

    Windows 7

    It might be. I bought it at Aldi. Or it might be a 2.66 GHz Core i7 w/6GB of DDR3 1600 RAM that I built myself. One of the two. I forget.
  10. bicranium

    Windows 7

    I've used 7 and I agree with him. XP Pro for life!
  11. http://rationalia.com/z/smiley_panic.gif
  12. I think that's going to be taken care of in the new patch as well. There was a little note about random XP exploits being fixed. I never use cold-blooded but getting thousands and thousands of XP as you unload an RPD at a spinning Pavelow is pretty funny.
  13. The patch was submitted to Microsoft for certification I think 2 days ago now. Unfortunately the patch has already been out on PS3 for about a week and they already found a new way to do it after this patch that is not even out for 360 yet...lol.
  14. The best part is that because they patched it already on PS3 those kids have already found a new way to do it. So once they get the patch that's already on PS3 onto Xbox the kids on Xbox will already know the new way to do it and it will be as if nothing even happened...lol. It's fun as hell to do emergency airdrop glitch though. I never use the stuff for myself. I just toss the markers into the middle of the map and watch everyone fight over it.
  15. bicranium

    Snow Storm

    About to make the < 1 mile trip from the office to the house. Probably won't make it.
  16. bicranium

    Snow Storm

    That's what she said.
  17. bicranium

    Snow Storm

    Man, these snowflakes are gigantic. Everything is fully covered already.
  18. bicranium

    Snow Storm

    The white death is in full effect out there.
  19. One of Bob Marley's three little birds that is perpetually stoned?
  20. You could try killing yourself and come back as a ghost and have a friend take the picture?
  21. I wish Insight had more upload speed on their internet. Other than that they've been pretty good for me. With RR turbo sometimes I hit 30mbps (always 22+) but the upload is stuck at 768k. That just seems ridiculous to me. Insight Business here at the office has 1.5mbps upload... I'd love that at home. Then they never get in those crazy disputes over stuff like the NFL Network and Big Ten Network like TW. And to the guy who said Insight doesn't have National Geographic, they do. And in HD.
  22. If someone clearly gets to a stop sign before me then stays there and I wait for them then they wave me to go I want to kill them. I definitely do wave when appropriate though.
  23. This thread makes me lol so hard at the PS3 fanboys who still use the fact that you have to pay for Xbox Live as one of their main points when arguing which system is better. If you can't get a little over $2 a month together then you shouldn't own a video game console to begin with.
  24. FMJ doesn't actually add damage. It just maintains damage through surfaces. Lately my friend and I have been running marathon, stopping power, ninja with a silenced UMP. The iron sights on that gun are only rivaled by the SCAR's. Unfortunately I just did my 2nd prestige last night (really only prestiging until I get a cooler looking prestige icon...lol) so I won't be able to get ninja pro (invisible to heartbeat sensors + silent footsteps) until like level 29. After playing for a couple days with ninja pro my footsteps are so fucking loud to me now without it it's insane.
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