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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. They were ranked when OSU played them in 2007. They were #2 in the country when OSU played them in 2006. They were absolutely awful last year. But years? Not so sure about that...
  2. I used to really like toasted peanut butter sandwiches. I really like Frank's Red Hot sauce. I'm not so sure they should be combined but I'm compelled to try this.
  3. Noticed a couple Arby's bags in the fridge the other night. Was about 4AM and I was working on a computer. Threw down 3 of those bad boys cold, plain. Fantastic. I hadn't had Arby's in a couple years because the last time I did the roast beef was green. Might give them another shot today for lunch after the cold ones the other night.
  4. Aside from the punt return TD against Ohio last year Small hasn't really ever done anything worth mentioning for OSU other than cause headaches.
  5. Yeah, Travis Benjamin. OSU recruited him a little coming out of HS but he was Miami all the way and he's TINY. He was like 160 coming out of HS and I'd say about 10lbs. of that was his hair...lol.
  6. I'm thinking wake up at 11:50, take a leak, get a big cup of orange juice and watch the game. I hate noon games. Too freakin' early.
  7. Let's get a little defense here... Gibson http://photo.the-ozone.net/photos/2008_2009/Football/09-01-05-FB-1333-DH.jpg Chekwa http://photo.the-ozone.net/photos/2008_2009/Football/08-09-13-FB-1395.jpg
  8. That's the whole thing. Even people in this thread are saying they should get a shot at the national title and all this... have you seen their schedule? They more than likely went undefeated by winning tonight against what will most likely end up being a middle of the road Pac 10 team - the hardest game on their schedule. Yeah, we all loved watching them take out Oklahoma in the Fiesta a few years ago but who are these other "top tier teams" that they've taken out? Oregon is the best win they'll have this year (pending a bowl opponent), it was the best win they had last year (by 5 points against Oregon's 3rd string QB) and their best win the year before was probably Fresno State... who is also the toughest remaining game on their schedule this year. That's why they have a 50-game home winning streak. They play no one.
  9. Yeah, the only thing I can think is maybe they're just making this giant case out of all the crap we download and we're going to be heading off to federal pound me in the ass prison in the near future...
  10. lol... I downloaded/uploaded over a terabyte of information one month on my Insight RR connection just for fun. I download/upload massive amounts of information (I have over 4.5 terabytes of hard drive space filled with music, DVD rips but mostly encoded HD movies at ~10GB a pop) on my connection every month. I don't seed (upload) too much because Insight's upload speeds vs. their download speeds are atrocious (RR Turbo gives you over 20mbps down and not even 1mbps up) but my friend leaves his uTorrent open, seeding 24/7 unless we're playing a game on Xbox Live. Neither of us have ever been caught, warned, limited, anything. Maybe we're playing with fire but we've been doing this for years at a ridiculous clip and nothing. Only time I've ever seen RR access locked was when my parents' computer had what must have been a nasty virus on it because RR didn't want the machine on their network until it was fixed.
  11. CP is the main thing they care to censor. Yes, it gets posted on there. But it gets deleted almost immediately and the user(s) get banned. 4chan has been used for good in the past. They helped prevent a school shooting once or twice. I'd say AT&T is in favor of school shootings if they let this continue.
  12. You'll be lucky if you take out both directional Michigan schools.
  13. I'll give you $20 for COD:WAW because that's what my ATM gives me is $20's. And also because Spankis (an esteemed CR member) is forcing me to buy it.
  14. "This is the good stuff - snakes and sparklers."
  15. That $100 is starting to collect interest, son.
  16. Where'd you get that info? The toilet store? But seriously... OSU had some ridiculous streak of covering the spread in every game for a year and a half or two years from somewhere in 2005 until that Illinois game in 2006. But they actually cover quite a bit. Maybe not this season since I don't bet much on OSU just because it's not smart (IMO) but under Tressel they cover more often than not.
  17. No WiFi = no me buy. HTC Touch Pro FTW. Comes out on Verizon on Monday.
  18. Have it on 360. Versus mode is the shit.
  19. Movie was lame. Spielberg is a hack.
  20. The weight reports vary but the 6'3 1/2'' was a typo in the Dispatch. He's 6'5 1/2''.
  21. How so? I'm on the verge of getting U-Verse. I have Insight currently and when it's working perfectly, it's awesome. But that's very rare. HD channels pixelate like crazy, sound cuts out and for the past three weeks my internet has gone out from about 8am-3pm every single day. They were supposed to come out this past Friday but an outage was reported in the area by several other customers so they went ahead and canceled the appointment (even though the problem had been occurring for about a week before I called) without ever telling me so I sat around for 2 hours waiting for them to show up for no reason and still have the problem. They come out once a month to fix stuff at this point. It's ridiculous. They'll be at my house tomorrow. U-Verse restricting P2P stuff sounds scary though as I currently have RR Turbo (15mbps downstream) specifically for downloading pretty big files from P2P networks...
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