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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Probably won't get it unless my friends do. Bought the last one thinking the two friends I play with the most would get them and only one did so the friend that did and I rarely get to play them.
  2. Man, when the bassist from Slipknot died the other day I checked out some sites for dead pools and he was one of the top choices. Those people know their shit. RIP.
  3. That's awesome. Probably just about as good as the guy with the Delorean who worked at the Pickerington Wendy's forever with the license plate "AT88MPH."
  4. bicranium


    I'm a Celtics fan and I feel cheated... the last 90 seconds were a joke. Lebron ran full speed down the court, jumped out of bounds and threw the ball to... Rasheed Wallace? OK... then still over a minute left, 3 possession game... no fouling? Opportunities to foul Rondo who had been atrocious from the line all night? And nothing? That was a pathetic display.
  5. eMachine 333mhz Intel Celeron processor 4GB hard drive 32MB of RAM Windows 98 CD-ROM and floppy drives Ended up throwing most of it on the grill for fun. Exploding capacitors look sweet.
  6. Need to bring back Leaps 'n' Bounds/Discovery Zone.
  7. Maybe delusional hockey fans would be surprised. The only lists where I can even find ice hockey listed as one of the top 10 most popular sports in the world they're down near the bottom and basketball is in the top 3-5.
  8. Since I assume it was a typo and you meant to type "willing to bet," you would lose that bet.
  9. Hey, I have no delusions of making the Finals this season. Or any season with this Big 3 still here. They had their run, might have had a shot at another last year but had injury issues and have looked pretty much done this season. Strangely enough, most Cavs fans I've talked to seem to think it will be a 7 game series. I don't see it but with the way Boston played last night without KG you never know.
  10. NBA. Lifetime basketball/Celtics fan so it's nice being relevant again. Plus I pretty much hate hockey. Best sports time in my life I can remember is when baseball was just ending and hockey was on strike. Nothing but football and basketball stuff on SportsCenter for months.
  11. Had some people trying to get money from my friend (Spankis on here) and I at the Speedway on the corner of 256/204 just before 70 in Pickerington a couple years ago. Spankis said they were the same people who had tried to get money from him and his parents a couple weeks before so we called the police, watched and waited in the parking lot. They left the Speedway after they got enough money and headed over to Massey's to use some of the money they got to get food and drinks. Cop pulled in right as they were coming out...lol. No idea if anything happened to them but it was a funny situation nonetheless. Only times I've ever given stuff to homeless people was food. Gave an ice cream sandwich from CD101 to a homeless guy a couple summers ago. It was like 95 degrees and the dude was really grateful actually. He was like... "Man, it's been a loooooong time since I've had one of these." Another time my friends and I were going into Little Caesar's at the K-Mart on Brice (think the Little Caesar's is gone now) and this dude was asking us for money as we went in and we were like, yeah, we're getting pizza in here with our credit cards... no cash. When we came out we had about half a pizza left and gave it to him. He took it and seemed to appreciate it. He asked if we did something to it...lol. Another time we had an extra pizza from there and tried to find a homeless person to give it to and the first person we gave it to put it on the ground and left it so some of the people we were with went back and got it and I guess they found a different person to give it to.
  12. Mike and Mike is atrocious. The Herd is the only good sports radio on 97.1. The local people are just mind-numbingly dumb.
  13. 25620 level 8. w00t.
  14. bicranium

    yo dawg

    Your dog looks like a raging homo.
  15. lol... you ruined the fun (at least for those who can read). That site is amazing.
  16. Tommy: You shouldn't drink that stuff anyway. [looking at the milk Turkish is drinking] Turkish: Why, what's wrong with it? Tommy: It's not in sync with evolution. Turkish: Shut up. Tommy: Cows have only been domesticated for the last eight thousand years. Before that, they were running around mad as lorries. The human digestive system hasn't got used to dairy products yet. Turkish: Well, fuck me, Tommy. What have you been reading?
  17. bicranium

    GO BUCKS!!

    Has to leave. Could have left last season, came back and broke his back... should be top 3 pick. Gotta go.
  18. Buy Lowes gift cards at Giant Eagle or something and get a bunch of free gas.
  19. Of the odd towns I've been to in Ohio I like the names Sparta and Coolville.
  20. bicranium

    GO BUCKS!!

    Pretty sure that was verbatim...lol. Matta was this (picture me putting my fingers as close together as humanly possible without touching) close to going on a killing spree...
  21. I'm 2/2 on buying bad EVGA boards. 1st one had a common problem where 2/4 RAM slots would randomly die and 2nd one came with bent pins in the CPU socket and no matter what you tell any manufacturer they will not cover bent pins and always blame it on the customer. Never buying an EVGA board ever again. Their video cards are fine though. Sticking with ASUS or Gigabyte the rest of the way for mobos. Just bought this last week to take the bent pin EVGA board's place... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131614
  22. Yeah, I mean, I could just leave it not charging when I don't play but I don't see the point. Just made a habit of taking the battery pack out and sticking it in my quick charge kit every time I'm done playing.
  23. I'm on what.cd. BOOM! All take a backseat to the god of music torrents that was OiNK.
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